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"Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –"     ―        Simona Panova

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"Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –"
― Simona Panova


Constance's P.O.V

I've lost count on how many times Isadora has said the word 'like', I swear it's like she's trying to annoy me but knowing her and who her family is, it's not very surprising. She claims that since I'm going to become her 'sister' that we should spend time together and get to know one another.

But I've said at most three words in the four hours we've been talking, not that I mind, I'm glad she's taking up the talking space. I guess you could say I've become used to the idea of never seeing my adoptive family again, at this point, there is no way I'm getting out of here now.

North is dead, it's time I come to terms with that, Isadora explained that news of him fighting a hell hound to the death leaked into what they call the 'upper world', he died trying to beat the demon king which he some how got involved with, no one really knows the reason. 

I cried for hours when I heard of my North's painful death, then after that I just went numb and didn't care to think about it anymore. I couldn't cry anymore, I didn't have it in me. I guess you'd call this giving up, maybe this is what my life was meant to be, forced into a loveless marriage and my mate being killed.

I've had a bad headache for the last few days, I guess it's because of all my crying and such, I've heard crying can cause headaches for some people some maybe that's the cause. I was staring Isadora dead in the face but it was like I wasn't there at all, my mind was deep somewhere else other than in this conversation about shoes.

My dress was officially made and the invitations were sent, Salvator lightly mentioned sending one to my old home and family just to let them know. The wedding date was set from two days from now, apparently tradition states that the bride and groom can't see each other three days prior to the wedding, so I've been Salvator free for a few days.

I still haven't met the King of vampires Gideon Vladimir which I am thankful for, he's the one who took me from my mate and handed me to someone else, I hated him almost more than Salvator.

"Oh! look at the time, I should be going and let you rest!" I heard Isadora's happy voice enter my ears, I looked up at her red eyes and fake smiled, "Good night" I mumbled under my breath, "Good night dear Sister!" she said with a quick wave then leaving the room.

I sighed in relief and stood from the table and walked over to my bed, no I wasn't aloud to leave the room, they were afraid I'd try and run, not that I'd get far anyway. I looked out the window and saw the bright moon shinning over the land, it will be full in the next few days.

Sure thinking of home was painful but at the same time it brought me a since of peace, I was happy to know there might be a chance I could see or speak with Miah at my wedding. Maybe she can give me something of Norths to help ease my pain knowing I have part of him with me.

That brought me comfort thinking about him in a happy tone. Maybe he's somewhere better and doesn't have to suffer in this world anymore, I know it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself but what else can I do? Get angry and torch my wedding like my failed attempt at the curtains?

No, it wont do any good. All I can do is wait and hope for a miracle.....


Nymeria's P.O.V

I sat deep in the woods under a tree, surrounded by the distant snow fall, the first storm of winter. The air was chilled and dark but I didn't mind, I'd rather be out here than at the pack house with all those wolves. It's been hell since North was claimed dead, Miah has completely shut down.

Connor has been hiding up in his room after Miah threatened him which was a smart Idea on his part. I wish I could tell everyone the truth but I cannot, swearing to be silent is not an easy thing. Ever since North went to the underworld I have been keeping tabs on him through the necklace I gave him.

But the connection has been fading every day, telling me his mate and his bond is weakening over their time apart. If they don't reunite in the next few days, North could fall deathly ill and will die, and in a few mouths, Constance will follow.

Since the two aren't fully bounded, being apart is a death sentence, unlike Miah and Connor's mates. I assume North's sickness is already kicking in, I can feel it. Before, I could just simply think about North and see his emotions and mental state. But now I must go into the woods and meditate.

The quiet of the forest helps restore my strength to connect with him. I could not see him physically or tell what is going on but I sense an overwhelming amount emotions jumping for anger to sadness to frustration. His mind is scattered and cannot decide what to feel at this moment.

It looked as if something triggered this sudden mood swing to spiral out of control, maybe his sickness is worse than I thought, after all North is not in anyway normal, not even for supernatural standards.

That worries me, North is not doing well at all, it seems he is having some sort of a mental breakdown. The more I look, the more things I find in this boys head. Of course I sense North and his wolf Rhys emotions which also seem strange but I also sense another presents in his mind. Something that is not supposed to be there.

Then it hit me

The beast, has finally woken up.....

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