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"You have power over your mind - not outside events

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"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
― Marcus Aurelius


North's P.O.V

I stood completely frozen as the guards ran from the Arena in fear, I took a deep breath, staying completely calm. I'm not dying today, I'm not weak and I wont submit. The growling from the cage only got louder but I refused to run. I can't let this end now, I can't and wont. 

A monster then walked out of the cage, the beast had dark fur and red hell fire eyes. His claws scratched against the floor, making the crowd go silent. He looked hungry for blood, and not to mention he had three heads!!!!!!!!

The King then chuckled and spoke in a taunting voice, "Lycan, meet Maddox, my best Hell hound!" he announced. I stared the beast dead in the eyes, I could tell it was trying to stare me down, make me feel fear towards it, but I stood tall, showing it I wasn't afraid. "Don't back down North, remember what we're doing this for" Rhys reminded me.

I nodded and stood a tall and ready to fight, "I've only had one day of training, so I'm gonna need your help, you ready to kill something?" I asked Rhys which he howled in happiness at. The chain around the middle heads neck then fell to the ground and I swear I saw him smile.

He then charged after me at full speed, a tint of fear then pricked inside my mind but was quickly whipped away with a sense of anger. Rhys was taking over.

I then reached my arm out and grabbed the Hell hound by his left neck without even a thought about what I was doing, at all

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I then reached my arm out and grabbed the Hell hound by his left neck without even a thought about what I was doing, at all. He growled, showing his fangs and trying to bite me, but I kept my grip strong. The crowd went silent for a second at my sudden movement, then went back to yelling and screaming.

He fought against my hold, lashing out, trying to bite my arms to make me let him go. "Do not submit, he's not our Alpha!!" Rhys demanded in my head which I agreed with. No one was our Alpha, not Connor, not anyone!

I then threw the beast against the wall, he landed with a loud bang, causing cracks in the wall to form. I smiled, knowing I had a chance at winning this.

The beast then got up, shaking the dust off his fur, then running after me again full speed. He jumped up in the air, ready to pounce on me once again, but like hell I was gonna let that happen.  

I then jumped out of the way, but he was quick, he grabbed my leg and dragged me back and threw me against the wall, I groaned out in pain as I slid down the wall, I felt a few of my ribs crack, but I can't stop, I'm not giving up that easy.

I stood from the ground, wincing at the pain that peaked in my body. Something was for sure broken now. I then stood tall, keeping a good stance, trying to ignore the pain. "Here, let me help" Rhys said, then I felt a wave of strength enter my body. My rips no longer hurt, at least not like before, "Thanks Rhys" I said and ran after the Hell hound.

I grabbed his middle jaw and held his teeth away way from my face. I started pulling his jaw apart till I heard a satisfying crack, then the head fell. The blood of the beast poured onto my hands but I felt nothing, no remorse or sadness, nothing.

The other two growled in anger then started trying to lunge at me.

One down, Two to go..

The blood covered my flannel and white shirt but I didn't care, I need to win this. The one on the right jumped, I put my arm in front of my face for protection. I felt his teeth sink into my skin, I let out an animal like growl in pain.

I yanked my arm away and saw a huge bite mark on my arm. I looked up at the beast who was liking his lips clean of my blood, I growled, showing my own set of fangs, but he didn't seem fazed at all, my body was begging me to shift, but I couldn't, not this is damned bracelet, but after seeing the full length of my bite...

All I saw was red.

I then ran after the beast, avoiding his claws and teeth, I jumped onto his back and grabbed his neck and began to twist, using all my strength, I snapped his neck, once I heard the snap, the last and final head of the beast reach up and ripped me off the back and threw my back against the wall.

Once I landed, I reached my arm behind and felt the bite he left on my shoulder that was now flooding with blood, just like my arm. If I don't die here, I'm sure as hell gonna die from blood loss one way or another.

The beast then slowly walked towards me, looking more angry than ever. I managed to stand, bracing my hand against the wall. "I don't think I have enough strength to beat him.." I said tired and breathlessly in my head.

"Think North, use your surroundings" he spoke, I looked around the arena, trying to find something quick, but all I saw was dust and broken wall. WALL!!!

Using all the strength I had left in my whole body, I smashed my fists against the wall, causing rock to tumble down and successfully land on the beast whos hot jaws were just about to sever my head, but I killed it finally. I swallowed hard and looked at the crowed that stared down at me in complete shock. I was so tired, I sighed trying to keep myself awake.

I turned on my heel and faced the King who had a look of shock and surprise on his face, I smiled weakly, then spoke trying to keep my balance. "I finished the challenge you gave me, so you Highness, what's my prize?".

I laughed out tiredly. I saw him stand, I expected anger in his eyes but I saw, happiness, pride? I raised my eyebrows in confusion at him then a smile made its way onto his face, he then nodded to someone behind me.

I then lost my balance and fell to the ground, 

then my vision started to fade and turn to black, 

well at least I'll get some sleep...

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