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"If you learn to really sit with loneliness and embrace it for the gift that it opportunity to get to know YOU, to learn how strong you really are, to depend on no one but YOU for your will realize that a little loneliness goes a LONG way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant and colorful YOU."
― Mandy Hale


Constance's P.O.V 

Everything around me didn't exist at the moment I saw him standing there. In the audience where that boy was sitting, stood my North, alive and well. Tears started making their way down my face as I watched him carefully as he spoke to Miah and the others, the only person in the room who didn't look even fazed by this was Nymeria. 

I don't think I'll ever truly understand her motives with this whole thing. My attention was drawn back to my mate when he spoke to me, "Hi Conny, you look beautiful" he said in a calm and sweet tone, making my heart melt. I let out a sob and he winced slightly, it must be his wolf giving him issues. 

Can't say I blame either of them, it's been so long since I've seen him and he's seen me, the feeling is fantastic. Salvator held my arms to prevent me from falling to the ground, but it shocked me that he hasn't said anything to North, no threats or freak out session. In fact, he actually looked relieved to see North. 

I felt like I was losing my mind, the numb feeling I had just seconds ago was now long gone and was filled with joy and happiness, North was alive and was here to get me. I cried even more, but my tears were of joy. 

My mind was having trouble comprehending this all but I didn't care, North was here and he's all I wanted at this point. I missed him so much and thought he was gone forever, but now here he stands right in front of me, he's not far away anymore. 

I then watched as North turned to face my fiance that I hated more than anything and spoke in a bitter tone, "Listen, I'm very angry with you and your family right now, what you did is unforgivable, but-" he paused and sighed, he was stressed and angry but was trying to keep himself together, my heart ached at his pain. 

"I'm willing to let it go, for now, just give me my mate and let my people go and I'll consider taking it easy on you" I was shocked, to say the least, my mate, the all-powerful Lycan was going to let the people who took his mate away go, I was proud as I was disappointed. I was proud that North was keeping control and going against what his wolf wants but I want the vampires to pay for what they did. 

I watched as Salvator's face suddenly looked happy and he smiled warmly at my mate, this was strange. "Thank y-" he began, sounding generally relieved at this. But then like always, someone has to ruin a good outcome for us. 

Gideon, the Vampire King then pushed he way in front and glared harshly at my mate, as if he was the devil himself. "NO!" he screamed, "You don't get to come in here and demand Shit!!"  I stared at him in shock, this man was completely insane beyond reason. Even worse than Isadora and Salvator combined. 

"She belongs to us!!!" he screamed pointing to me, I glared harshly at him, I belong to no one. North looked beyond angry at this man, I'm sure everyone was tired of the idiot king at this point. 

But then North began to laugh, I stared at him in shock, it wasn't like him to act this way, then he stopped and stared Gideon in the eye. "You must be confused, if anything, Constance belongs with me, she's my mate making her mine," his voice went darker at the end, must be his wolf demanding control. 

Then North turned to the man who stood next to him with a smirk, "Drogo? you got any more of those three-headed hell hounds, I have a feeling we'll need one" Wait, Drogo as in the demon king? What the hell is going on!?

 Then the Demon king chuckled darkly and smiled at North, "Of course North, besides, this guy has annoyed me from day one". Gideon then glared at the Demon King in pure anger, his eyes practically glowing completely red and terrifying. Then suddenly, North hissed in pain, making him grab the back of his skull. 

It's looked as if his wolf was forcing North to give him control of his body, I've heard that it's incredibly painful when your wolf or 'other half' force control. My heart once again ached for my mate as his beautiful gold eyes went the strange color of silver. 


North's P.O.V 

I was screaming at them to stop, it hurt so much. "Please stop!!" I begged my beasts as they both fought for control over me. Before it wasn't much of a struggle for them to get control, I never really put up a fight because I didn't need to. But now that I'm stronger and have a reason to not let them loose, they really at war with me. 

"Just give up control and the pain will stop!" Rhys encouraged, but I refused, I'm not making this a red wedding just because of my anger. I could tell the two were even having a disagreement between themselves, who should have control if not me? 

Then suddenly I felt pain on my cheek and my head flipped to the side, knocking off all the focus between us three, placing me back in control. I then opened my eyes and they were completely normal, I looked around the room and saw everyone staring at me in fear, not of me but for me. 

Conny even looked ready to run over and help, but was held back by Salvator, I turned and saw Lydia with her hand back, it looked like she was ready to slap me, or again. I touched my cheek and nodded to her, "Thanks" I said breathlessly, she dropped her hand and nodded to me with a smile. 

So I guess smacking me in the answer when I lose control, interesting. "What happened?" I turned to Drogo, he sighed, "Your eyes went again and you began to growl, we tried talking to you but nothing worked so Lydia came up with the Idea of knocking some sense into you" I chuckled and nodded to him. 

I turned back to the audience I still had, "Sorry about that, the voices are demanding" I pointed to my head making some people chuckle. I still felt a headache, but other than that, the overall pain was gone and I felt relieved. 

"What the hell just happened!!?" Miah asked walking out to the main aisle and looking at me in shock, I smiled and looked over at her, "I thought you and your wolf were good" she asked completely confused. I smiled again and said rubbing the back of my head nervously. 

"Well you see a lot happened while I was gone and stuff came up-" I was then cut off my Drogo, "They don't need the whole story, hurry up" he whined, I turned and glared, "I'm getting there!" I said frustrated. Then I turned back to my family, "To make a long story short because SOMEONE is impatient, I may or may not have triggered something on my little trip". 

I spoke trying to stay light-hearted, they all still looked at me confused, 

so I sighed and decided to get straight to the point 

"My wolf isn't the only thing that fights for control" 


Only a few chapters left...... 



New Book.....? 

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