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"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly."
― Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai


I lunged at them, letting Rhys take over completely. I went to claw at the boy's face but his father pulled him back along with the girl, lucky. I growling out at him, letting the beast inside me show. "IF YOU LAY A HAND ON HER I'LL KILL YOU!!" I screamed out, trying to attack him, but the guys wouldn't let me go. "YOU'RE DEAD! YOU HEAR ME? DEAD!!!" I yelled as they pulled me back.

The boy then looked at me in complete fear as he went to stand beside his father and sister who looked at me in shock, I was going to kill that boy. Constance is mine!!

I fought against the arms that held me, but I couldn't do anything with these stupid chains, they had to go. I tore at my wrist until the chains finally shattered into small pieces and dropped to the ground. Everyone stared at me in shock, even the King looked scared of me.

I was more than angry now, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY, IM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR EVEN THINKING ABOUT HER, SHE'S MINE!" I growled out lashing at the arms that I knew would soon weaken. Once they became weak and let go, I would kill every Vampire that came my way, I'll save the boy for last, I want him to feel real pain for taking my Conny away from me.

"Get him out of here!" Alec demanded. The guys then pulled and yanked at me and started to pull me back, I growled and lashed out, trying to pull him off me with all my strength, whatever it took to get my hands on him.

"He's out of control!" someone yelled as I was being dragged away, I didn't care if I lost control, all I wanted to do was kill every single Vampire. Starting with the Prince and Princess.

I then heard a familiar voice scream out, "NORTH!". It was Constance, no it couldn't be. "NORTH" she cried out again, I stopped struggling and looked around to see if I was going crazy, but everyone was looking around for the source of the scream.

"NORTH!" another scream. I looked around the forest, searching for the source of her screaming, maybe they were playing a sick joke on me, trying to make me believe my Conny's here. "North!" I heard a panicked scream mixed with sadness and tears.

My eyes darted over to the source, one of the Vamps cars. There she was, pounding on the window screaming for me with tears running down her face. Every time the glass had a crack from her fists, it would fix in two seconds. "CONSTANCE!" I screamed out for my love.

My arms were pulled back when I attempted to run over to her and break her out. I felt tears falling down my face as I tried even harder to break free and get to my mate. We were not even ten feet apart and I still couldn't get to her. "He's gonna lose it!" I heard Miah speak in a panicked voice.

"CONNY!" I cried out trying to reach for her, she wailed then continued to try and break the glass and try to get out. All I felt was pain, pain, and sadness. All I wanted was my mate and nothing else, it's not even a want anymore, I need her.

I then felt a prick in my neck, they were knocking me out to calm me down, I felt myself become more tired as I fell to the ground, "NORTH!" I heard her scream out louder than before. Then the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes were her tears. I made a vow that day that I would kill anyone who made her cry again.

"Conny...." Lights out.


Constance's P.O.V

This morning I woke to someone shaking me, calmly telling me to get up. I groaned and opened my eyes slightly, hissing when the sun hit my face. I slowly sat up, grabbing my head and running my hands through my hair. I looked over and saw two maids who bowed to me with Isadora standing behind them.

She smiled in a way I didn't like but I already decided to ignore her. "Get dressed and come downstairs-" she spoke walking to the door. Then she said not turning around, "And if you don't, you'll be punished, understood?" I glared at her when she left with a slam to the door.

Then maids then grabbed my upper arms and basically threw me off the bed and into the shower. After I finished bathing and getting dressed in a white shirt and black leggings, the maids escorted me outside the room. The hallway was white with red curtains and carpet, not that I paid too much attention to it.

I walked down the long staircase and they led me into a room that looked like the study filled with bookcases. They guided me over to a chair and showed me down, then left without another word. I slumped down, gripping the arms that were covered in cheap red leather.

I looked over to the window and thought about escaping and running home. But before I could make that plan happen, strong arms grabbed me and something covered my eyes and mouth. Then the world around me instantly went black.

I woke up to the sound of a car moving but when I opened my eyes everything was still dark, I assumed I had a blindfold on. I felt tired but I knew I had to stay awake, who knows where these monsters were taking me.

Soon, I felt someone grab my shoulders and lift me into a sitting position, then they pulled my blindfold off, rather harshly I might add. I hissed when the light hit my eyes but I soon adapted, I watched as who I can assume was the vampire king and his devil children talk to....Miah?!!

My eyes wandered the seen in front of me as I pushed myself as far as I could against the door of the car, I tried unlocking the door or use my magic. But when I looked down at my wrist, I spotted a leather-bound charm with a pink orb in the center. It was a magic block charm.

I huffed out in anger and frustration and began to try and rip it off. I then suddenly heard a familiar voice scream in anger, "SHE'S MINE!", my head shot back up to the glass and there I saw...North, my North was here.

But what I saw horrified me, he was being held back by wolves and he was trying to jump at the King, Salvator, and Isadora. He looked angry, tired and broken, It broke my heart to see him this way. And it was all because of me.

Because I was gone he turned bitter and angry, I mean I know wolves go crazy when their mates are gone but I didn't know it would be this bad. I began pounding on the glass and calling out his name which did get his attention and soon he was screaming back at me, fighting against the wolves hold to get to me.

But every time I broke the glass it just repaired itself. I then watched as Miah came up behind him and picked him in the neck and for some strange reason, I felt it too. 

Then I started to get dizzy, 

I watched North fall completely to the ground.

and I soon went with him. 

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