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"One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a shit."
― J. A. Konrath


North's P.O.V

Right before I was about to explain the plan to Miah, I felt a huge wave of sadness hit me, and suddenly I felt like crying, "Now's not the time for a Kim Kardashian moment, focus Human!" my wolf demanded I nodded mentally, not that I was scared of him or just think he's right.

"The plan is to have a meeting with them and...." another voice then cut me off, one I didn't know, "And beg them for Constance back, yeah great plan", then my wolf growled, "EXCUSE ME!! WHICH WOLF HAS A DEATH WISH!!!" he yelled in my head, giving me an instant headache.

I rolled my eyes and focused my senses on which pack member it was, no I wasn't going to tear him apart, I was just going to nicely tell him to shut the hell up:)

My eyes landed on the boy from before, the one Dax was yelling at, the one with the stupid silver pole that could have seriously hurt me if I wasn't the weirdo with a mutation. I watched as Dax smacked the back of his head and scolded him. I smirked then walked over to him, people moving instantly to let me through.

I saw the boy shake in his place, clearly realizing what he's done, pissed off a Lycan who's currently going through separation anxiety. I soon stood in front of his face, towering over the small boy who could only be younger than me by a year or two. He stared up at me in pure fear.

I only smiled and him and said, "No, I was thinking that we have a meeting and pay close attention to them, find out how they act, and if they get nervous when we look in certain direction, indicating where Constance is-" Everyone around me was staring at me in complete surprise.

Shocked that I haven't torn the boy limb from limb. "Is that alright with you?" I asked in a taunting tone, he swiftly nodded making me smile again, "Good, listen, kid, I just lost my mate and my anger is reaching its breaking point Don't.Test.Me" I growled out, letting my wolf show a bit.

I then turned on my heel and walked back over to Miah who only smiled at me, once I reached her and stood in front of her again, she smiled, "I knew I was right when I said you'd make a good Alpha" I shook my head and then asked, "Plan sound ok?" she sighed and said, "It's risky, we don't know if they'll try anything-"

She paused then said, "But, it's worth a shot, Constance is worth it" I nodded, then Crazy Connor interrupted, "Wait, don't I get a say in-" then both me and Miah said at the same time, "NO!" he bowed his head and stepped back, going to cry in the corner, hard to believe this guy's an Alpha.


That night I laid in my bed alone, everything felt cold without Constance, I missed her so much. I wonder if she misses me too, I mean I know she cares about me but she's a witch and I'm a wolf, her feelings may not be as strong as mine are. And not to mention she's with the Vamps who could compel her at any time.

The thought of her forgetting about me felt like being stabbed one billion times every minute, my wolf wined in my head. I stared up at the ceiling trying to keep myself still.

The clock on the table next to me read midnight. The sadness I felt before, was that her, "WHOEVER MADE MATE CRY SHALL PAY!!!" Wolf screamed in my head out of anger. Can't say I blame her, I'd kill whoever made her cry, and I might have to, anything to get her back.

I wish I had some way to tell her I was coming to get her, that she wouldn't be in that hell hole much longer. I wished I had some way to tell her I love her so much and when I get her back, I'm never letting her go again.


Constance's P.O.V

The clock that sat on the table beside me ticked midnight, and I was still awake. I refused to eat the food Salvator's servants brought me. Not that I thought it was poisoned, I just wanted to stick to my plan of pissing them off till they get tired of me and send me back. Back to North

I found myself wondering what he was doing right now, laying awake like I am, just waiting for the sunrise? Sounds like something he would do. I haven't known him long but it feels like forever, I missed him so much, it makes sense I mean we're soulmates, destined to find and love each other.

One of the maids called me Princess Vladimir, which made me want to gag. It made me wonder why that idiot hasn't done anything to me yet. He claims to love me but he seems like the type of guy to grab someone by the shirt and scare the hell out of them. Or why hasn't he gotten a witch to force my mind to forget him? 

I'd die if I forgot about North, I found myself crying again just because I missed him so much. I wished I told him I love him and that's he's everything to me. More tears fell the more I thought about how far we were apart. I know I sound cheesy but it's true, I miss him a lot.

I knew that I wasn't going to sleep tonight, so I settled on a picture in my head of my home, and North, and a distant picture of my mother and father. When I was six they were taken from me and sent to work for the vamps. I haven't seen them since.

I refused to cry any more, I haven't cried for them in years, not that they don't mean anything to me, I just don't know them. I then closed my eyes, trying to drift off a little, but before my mind went to the spirit world, I heard a warm voice in my head speak...

"I love you...." 

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