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"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us

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"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
― Helen Keller


Unknown's P.O.V

It's almost complete. 

I can feel it in my old and tired bones, as I walked down the forest path I knew so long ago. To be honest, it felt good to be back. But I wouldn't stay, at least not yet, He is not ready, close but not yet. I've waited so long for this, and now it's finally here, I cannot even begin to explain the joy I feel now.

This day, seventeen years ago is when I began my journey to claim the throne and take back the respect and title that was taken from me all those years ago. My handmade weapon is almost ready for battle, doesn't matter if He doesn't agree, He'll obey.

I leaned on my wooden cane, giving my beaten leg a rest from all this traveling, but this is all worth it of course, this is the only way to make them see the truth they were not ready for back then, it's a new day and age, and they WILL understand, I'll make them!

I've done too much to let this mission fail in my arms, so much preparation will go to waste if I don't exploit every move carefully and with great caution, I must not fail, never.

I looked back up at the sky and smiled at the glowing moon that brightened the night, "Think you can protect him with your gifts? HA!" I chuckled darkly with a smirk, "Face it, you've lost, now it's my turn" I growled slightly under my breath, "I will have what's mine". I then glared and looked back at the insurance I brought with me, just in case.

"And you my friend, will help me"


North's P.O.V

I was going in and out of consciousness, but I still couldn't get a grip on reality or what was going on around me. I felt like I was being thrown in hundreds of different directions with no end. I heard whispers but never full voices that I could put to a face.

My head ached and my heart cracked against my chest, but my body refused to give a reaction. "North...?" I heard my name called out, but I heard more of an echo. My mind was spinning and I desperately needed it to stop so I could think for a second.

"It's ok..." a familiar voice entered my ears, I then shot awake at that, my body flinging itself up. But I what I found around me wasn't home, no, I was in the middle of a forest clearing, at least that's what it looked like.

I was panting so I took a deep breath to calm my pounding heart that banged against my chest like an alarm was going off. I looked down and saw I was laying on a bed made of flowers, grass and wood, but I saw that my head was resting on what seemed like a normal pillow.

'How did I get here?' I questioned myself, but I got no answer. Then I remembered Rhys and Jack shared this body with me, "Rhys? Jack? Are you guys ok!?" I asked, but once again it was silent, and oddly enough, no voices in my head worried me.

"Guys!!??" I asked again, but all I heard was silence. "Fear not sweet child-" I quickly turned at the sound of a voice behind me. I looked and saw a women standing there with a soft smile. 

"You're safe, your beasts are simply sleeping in your mind", her hair started off as a dark brown, but then faded into blonde at the ends, her skin was pale, but covered in freckles, she wore a simple white dress that hung loosely on her shoulders, but what stood out most, was her strange eyes. 

Each time she blinked, blue lights went off in here eyes, then they went back to a single blue ring after

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Each time she blinked, blue lights went off in here eyes, then they went back to a single blue ring after. She stared at me in kindness, but I was still cautious of her sudden appearance, the way she looked made her look like an angel, and everything around me was so beautiful and prefect, but does that mean..? 

"Am I dead?" I turned to the strange women, she smiled and sighed walking over to me and kneeling down beside me and looking me dead in the eye. "Not exactly, you are-" she paused looking off into the distance, "Somewhere in between Xavier" she spoke sweetly, but what she said was not my name!

"That's not my name" I spoke quietly to her, she chuckled and nodded her head, "My apologies North" I wanted to ask her how she got my name wrong but she shushed me and stood, beckoning me to stand with her. 

As did as told and stood, she then pointed to the horizon, I looked and saw a beautiful sunset, that warmed my chest suddenly, "Do you see that?" I looked over at the women who stared at me in wonder. "The sunset?" she then sighed and relief and dropped her hand, then reached over and grabbed mine. 

"Good, that means it not your time" she then began to drag me somewhere down the hill just off the clearing, I yanked my hand from here and glared. "Ok lady, you got five seconds to tell me what the hell is going on!" I yelled stepping away from here. But instead of bowing down and telling me like I wanted, she only smiled. 

"You've got fire in you, just like he did" she spoke full of emotion, but the comment was more directed to herself more than me. "What are you talking about!?" I hate this whole being confused beyond reason thing. 

She smiled again, "Sorry, but we don't have a lot of time" She then reached over to grab my hand but I stepped back again, "I'm not leaving this spot till you tell me what is going on" I spoke in a dark tone, no more bullshit. 

She sighed in annoyance, then nodded to me, "You are in what the mortals call the 'Spirit Realm', it's a place for them to visit in their dreams, including humans. But when others are on the break of death, they come here to decide their fate" she paused and sighed once again. 

"You were shot but a silver bullet covered in Spirit blood, lethal to not only werewolves but demons as well, some how you were affected by both, making you second half part demon for it to injure you the way it has, you passed out due to the pain and your doctor is currently fighting to save you", I stared at her in shock. 

But she continued, "Every time one of her children enter this Realm, the Moon Goddess sends one who has passed on to guide the lost soul to their fate, when you look at that horizon and do not see the light of heaven but the beauty of a sunset, it means you're not ready to move on and can be sent back, and live" She turned back to me and smiled. 

"You did not see that light North, that means you can live" She smiled brightly, I nodded slowly to here but then asked, "My second part, do you mean Jack?" she nodded. He's got a lot to answer for later. 

She then reached over and grabbed my hand tightly and yanked me over to a river, "You must go back now North, but know this-" she spoke urgently, holding a handful of water. "War is coming North, you will need all your strength and skill, you must fight for us Sweet Child, do not reject your gifts, use them and fight like hell". 

Before I could question her about what the hell she was talking about, 

She shoved the handful of water down my throat, making everything blurry again. 

"Good luck, Xavier"

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