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"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done

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"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done."
― Vincent Van Gogh


North's P.O.V

I woke to a bitter coldness all around me and judging by the sent the lingered in the air, I wasn't back at home. I slowly pealed my eyes open and came face to face with cold metal bars, I reached out and gripped one, once my fingers touched the bars, I felt pure fire on my skin. I hissed and yanked my hand back and cradled it close to my chest, watching my burned skin turn back to a heathy color.

"Yeah, I tried that, covered in wolves span, nasty stuff for people like us" a voice spoke from behind me, my head darted around and I saw a shadow of a person sitting in the middle of his cage that was placed right next to mine, due to the lack of light, I couldn't see his face.

"Even for Lycan's" he laughed out into the silence, I turned my body around to face him, "Where am I?" I asked, my ruff voice echoing through my cage, I'm sure I looked deadly at the moment, I was just thrown in a cage and I did burn my hand so. "The dungeons, Drogo locks every powerful being he can find down here" he spoke with a plain tone, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"But it's not so bad, they give you food and water, but that's only when you teach them something or show them something they've never seen before, basically you have to earn your way to live" he chuckled at the end, shaking his head lightly. He must have been here for a while.

"Sorry, I haven't had anyone to talk to in a while so the feeling's nice, hope you don't mind" I could only picture this caged strangers smile, I knew that he meant no harm to me, yet maybe. "You said you were a wolf?" I asked while rubbing my injured hand, trying to get it to heal faster some how.

"Yep, and a Lycan too!" he spoke very proudly. My eyes then widened, I found another Lycan, this must be the one the Vampire King traded for his wife. "You're a Lycan!?" I asked completely shocked, I saw him nod, I smiled and said, "I am too" I guess the overwhelming feel of having someone like me took over and decided to be more than friendly.

Not even a second after he spoke up jumping towards me but not touching the bars, "You are!!" he said sounding just as shocked at me, I nodded to him, "So did Gideon try and sell you too?" he said standing and taking a few steps back, I shook my head, Gideon's a real asshole isn't he?

"No, I came here by choice" I spoke with confidence, he stopped mid pace and darted around, "Why the hell would you want to come here?" He asked completely shocked, I then stood from the ground and said, "Because Gideon's stupid kid decided it would be a great idea to take my mate from me!" I spoke with pure anger and rage.  

I could almost feel the pity radiating off the stranger I had taken a liking to, "I'm sorry, I know what that's like" he spoke in a sad tone, then I continued, "So I came here to try and get the Vampire Queen and take her back as a hostage so they'll give my Conny back" I spoke almost growling.

I think he smiled then he said, "Conny? that's cute" I glared and said folding my arms over my chest, "Shut up I miss her" I pouted which made him laugh out in the darkness. "Like I said, I know what that feels like, it's horrible" he spoke in pain which me frown, "You got separated from your mate too?"

I asked in a soft tone, knowing how fragile Lycan's emotions are when we're mateless , he nodded and said, "And I miss her everyday" he spoke with a sad voice, I guess we kind of pitied each other. 

To try and change the subject I asked, "So, Is the Vampire Queen here?" He nodded and said, "But she's in a different area, so she doesn't have conflict with the wolves that are brought here, not that she would really anyway ".

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, "Why wouldn't she?" I asked, I first thought of Gideon's queen to be a blonde bimbo who's a complete bitch to everyone, I mean she married him and birthed Salvator!!!

"I've only spoken to her once, but she seemed nicer than any other witch or vampire I've met, because as you may know, witches don't like our kind very much. She looked harmless but she had this look in her eye that read 'danger' so I don't know" he spoke with a simple shrug, I then asked stepping forward.

"I thought she was a Vampire" he shook his head and said with a shrug of his shoulders, "She's pure bread witch that just happened to be mated to a Vampire" I nodded, kind of understanding what he was saying. Then I was welcomed with that silence again.

"Do you think if I told her what her son and husband did that she's side with me or them?" I asked the stranger. I knew he smiled then he said, "Not sure, considering her morals as a healing witch, then maybe, just maybe she might be willing to help you, but like I said, I don't know" I nodded and chuckled which he returned  

It was good to know I that if I made it out of this alive that I would maybe have leverage over Gideon and soon I'd have Constance back. I smiled thinking about my plan, then I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the bag with the Reaper Gems, I silently thanked the Moon Goddess that they didn't find them when I was out.

I held them to my heart, hoping that I would get through this, not only for Conny but the whole Werewolf kind. I sighed looking back over to the cage that held the stranger I had made friends with, "Hey, didn't get your name?" I said. He turned his attention back to me and said.

"Name? well considering the state, there's not really a point, so tell you what, you manage to some how get out alive, I'll tell you" he said light heartedly. I smiled and nodded to him, "It's a deal" He chuckled. Then the doors across the room suddenly opened, and both our attention to the door, a man covered in polished silver armor that shinned even in the dark walked in.

His head was hidden behind a helmet that looked to be made of solid gold, he walked over and stood in front of both caged then he said turning to me, "The King wants to see you now" he spoke formally like a soldier would, he walked over to my cage and pulled out a set of keys and unlocked my cage and nodded for me to step out.

Then another guy ran in with a gun and pointed it at me, must be full of silver bullets, Great.

I shoved the Reaper Gems back inside my pocket and walked out with my hands held up like I was being arrested or something like that. 

I looked back at the stranger who 

only shrugged to me as I was walked out.

Well I guess it's show time!!

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