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North's P

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North's P.O.V 

Once Constance fell asleep I left, I know it sounds rude but I had to try and remember and that run didn't do me any good, so maybe walking around in human form might help a little more. I walked outside the packhouse and began walking.

The moon was high in the sky, it looked to be almost full, I frowned thinking about all the wolves that will be forced to shift. I pushed that thought aside and forced myself to think about that night. The night I was hit by a car and bit by a werewolf.

I don't know how long I had been walking or how far away I was from pack territory but I didn't care at all, I needed to think. Connor wanted answers, if I don't get something soon, he might think I'm hiding something from him and the whole pack who I have neglected to meet, everything about this was confusing.

Mates, shifting, packs, Alpha's, Lycan, everything. But I guess this was my life now, my new ever-changing life. I need to learn to get used to this whole thing, this feels like a huge tower of boxes neatly stacked up just tumbled down and each box fell on my head. I'd like to think the more time I spend living like this, the easier it will get but I'm not too sure.

Yes, I admit, I'm afraid, afraid of doing something wrong or hurting anyone, it's not the best thing to think about but, it's something I have to consider. Then what the vampire in my dream had told me wandered into my thoughts, 'You can end this..', I understood that I was the only Lycan left but it's a lot of pressure.

"Mate will realize we're gone" my wolf spoke in a tired voice, I admired how much he cared about her, it went beyond normal human emotions. "We'll go back in a minute, just a little longer" he mumbled in agreement then went quiet. It was nice to have him around, he was someone to talk to, someone to answer my questions.

It was around dawn when I finally gave up, this wasn't going to work, I should've known that from the start. I sighed and started walking back. I guess it was around four or five in the morning when I reached the packhouse. I walked inside and headed upstairs and into my room, Conny was right where I left her, fast asleep.

I climbed back in and tried to at least get some form of sleep, I felt arms wrap around me, I cracked my eye open and I saw Conny smiling in her sleep, hugging my torso, I smiled and closed my eyes. 


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Miah's P.O.V

I walked upstairs, thinking about everything, I frowned at what Connor told me.

"He needs to be looked at Miah", I glared and turned to him in pure anger, "He's perfectly fine, so what if he can't remember, more than half of us can't remember our old lives". He huffed out in anger and said stepping towards me in a challenging way.

"He needs to remember if we are going to win this war" I shoved his chest and said, "So this is what you're gonna do when something isn't perfect in your pack??" I tilted my head treating, "Call in a witch or make someone else fix the problem? some Alpha you are" I turned away from him and looked out the window.

"Are you challenging me, Miah?" I shook my head and sighed, "No, but he's one of us, you said it yourself" I still refused to look at him. "And if I did challenge you-" I turned around, "And you did kick me out, North would come with me and Constance would too, she'd follow him anywhere, they are mated after all".

I stood and walked towards him and said in a dark tone, "Then you'd lose your best warrior-" I walked closer holding up one finger, "-Your Lycan-" I held up another, "-And your Witch-" I smiled holding three fingers up, "Three things you need, so I'll ask you" I said standing right in front of his face.

Are you really willing to lose the war over a petty challenge?" I shook my head and walked out of the room, leaving him speechless.

I'll admit, that was some of my best work, I never really like Connor as an Alpha, he had a huge temper and wasn't easy to get along with. I mean, he knows a Lycan loses the most memory during their first shift, and memories aren't easy to recover at all. I think that's why he's bringing in a witch, so she can dig around in his brain for something that's not there.

Not that I have anything against witches, hell I love Conny but I don't like what their magic can do, no, I'm not scared of it, just not trusting. I took a deep breath, trying not to let my anger consume me, I thought of something that made me happy. I walked upstairs and peered into North's room.

I saw him and Conny cuddled up together, I smiled, then went to my own room, I laid down on my cool soft sheets and let my mind wander.


"Haha, come on love" he ran through the field holding his hand out for me, I laughed and grasped it with my left hand, the other holding my flower crown as we ran in the sun. We ran to the center and then he managed to take both my hands and then he started to spin me around, we laughed and danced around.

I felt free, then he pulled me in for a hug, his touch making my heart melt, I loved him with all my heart. He pushed my hair out of my face, cupping my cheek lovingly. I never wanted this to end, he then kissed my head and whispered about how much he loved me.

Then suddenly the sky around me turned grey, and I heard thunder in the distance, I looked around me and my lover and saw all the plants began to die, leaving nothing but ash behind, the warm grip he had on me turned cold, making me turn my attention to my love.

His face was shadowed with grief and sadness, I looked closer and saw his eyes were purple, the eyes that once held love for me looked dead. "NO!!" I cried out as he let go of me, I dropped to the ground, landing on my hands and knees. Tears poured down my face as I looked at him, he showed no emotion and simply turned and began to walk away.


Then I opened my eyes, this was all a dream, but my nightmare was once a reality. I looked up at the ceiling and made another silent vow.

I'll never let anyone hurt North or

Constance like they hurt

My Ajax.

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