How'd you meet? (Part 2)

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Hello again:)

So here's part dos:)

(Oh the smiley face:)

"Tasha! I'm taking a cute boy to the beach!" I shouted into her room and Wanda poked her head out of her own doorway.

"Wait, I wanna know!" She cried after me.

"You'll read my mind anyway."

"I like talking to you though!"

"Alright," I shrugged and sank onto her bed. "His name is Peter Parker."

She smiled widely, her big beautiful brown eyes lighting up.

"He's fifteen, and he's from Queens," I continued.

"Does he like you?"

"How would I know that?" I asked her.

"Oh, you can't read minds. Sorry," she smiled sadly before that smile turned sneaky. "How do you feel about him?"

I buried myself into a pillow. "Uh.....he's cute."

"Oh, that's it?"

"Yesterday he helped me get rid of an annoying kid," I added.

"I see. Continue."

"And he called me angel. Well, I called him babe pretending he was my boyfriend. But his choice in nicknames was so cute!" I gushed into the pillow.


"It got Alex off my tail. But don't tell Tasha, or she'll kill him."

Wanda pulled my head out of her pillow, holding my chin between her ring clad fingers. She stared into my eyes deeply. I felt almost lost.

"Oh wow! He's a good boy," she nodded approvingly. When she read your mind you felt suddenly like you were floating.

"I thought you liked it when I talked to you?" I said once the feeling wore off.

"I do. But you don't let up easily. Like Natasha, you're a closed book most of the time," she answered back with a wink.

"Well, I've gotta go if I'm going to meet him," I jumped up and she groaned into a pillow

"Hey Parker," I greeted him with a light punch to his arm.

He didn't jump or flinch, like he knew I was there before I did.

"Hey Chev," he said, grinning a little.

He wore a sweatshirt in the middle of August, a plaid shirt poking out underneath. He also wore a blue baseball cap, and I immediately set a plan to steal either the sweater or the hat.

"Follow me," I showed him to the semi.

"Wait wait wait, you can drive that?!" He refused to climb in.

"Yes babe, now get your butt in here!"

"Don't call me that." He mumbled as he climbed into the cab. "So, where're you taking me?"

"To a pretty place." I answered. "It's called Coney Island," I added.

"I usually try to avoid that place," Peter grumbled.

"Wah. You're going with me today," I said firmly. I pulled out onto the street.

"Alright, just drive straight," he said, gripping his seat.

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