That Romanoff

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Let's talk Natasha.

Now you may figure she's cold, cut off, not into physical contact, and emotionless.

I thought the same thing too. Until about five years after if met her, she'd been all of those things.

It was strictly "Agent Romanoff" or "Natasha." Soon, she started to let me say Nat and Tasha, and if I called her any of the ones in quotations she'd correct me, saying, "No, it's Tasha."

She likes Tasha. She says it's pretty.

And she'd never let me touch her, or she'd swat me like a cat.

Well, that was after two years anyway. During those first two she'd pull a gun on me.

I'd figured she just didn't like me at first.

But now we get to our five year anniversary, and she's warmed up so much.

Personal boundaries disappeared.

She's now like a needy puppy, even though her personality says the absolute opposite to anyone but me and Clint.

I didn't ask for this when I signed up for the avengers.

But now Tasha and I share a flat incognito off in Queens, hiding from enemy's and whatnot.

She's actually a great flat mate, she keeps her space very clean and shares stuff willingly.

She always has some amazing coffee recipe from some vague country, and she always cooks the most astounding food from probably the same countries.

She walks around in her underwear and black tank tops, her curly red hair floppy over her pretty face. Sometimes she wears full-on lingerie, too. She lets me wear whatever I damn well please, and tells me I look sexy all the time.

She always wears makeup, as though it's a tattoo.

She plays such fun music, too. It's either so friggin creepy or so friggin beautiful.

I can tell you, the Russian Ballet is creepy.

But I can't tell her that.

Clint appears randomly too, and when I ask how the shit he gets in, he says Tasha let him in.

And I know how she gets in.

Tasha also has a thing for kisses. It's not new, she's always had a thing for kisses. But lately it's increased, and I know what that means. It means her depression is sneaking back up.

Whenever she's had a mood spike, her kisses increase.

Now she doesn't go around randomly kissing people, no, she specifically seeks me out for nose, cheek, forehead and neck kisses.

I don't understand it at all, but she loves it.

I guess it helps.

When it's just us in the flat, she's clingy as all get out.

I'll be on my laptop, and she'll be leaning on my lap, or playing with my hair, or most often leaving trails of kisses on my arms.

I don't understand her very well, but that doesn't mean I don't absolutely love her.

And if I'm going to bed, she'll follow me around. She'll lean her chin on my shoulder and watch me brush my teeth and play with my hair, remove the makeup I dare to remove with her being my shadow.

If I'm cooking, her arms are around my waist and her chin is in the crook of my neck and she's whispering in Russian to me.

It's pretty, but I have no clue what the diddly do she's whispering.

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