What happens in Vegas, doesn't stay in Vegas. (1)

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When Y/N woke up-wait, was she even awake? Where the shit was she?! Why......why does her head hurt so very badly? Why is her throat so dry? Why.........why is this not her room....that's definitely not her city.



Ha, she was in Las Vegas. This wasn't good. Not only was she most likely hungover, but she had no idea what room she was in.

Y/N rubbed her eyes slowly and carefully, cause obviously she hadn't removed this incredible amount of makeup off her face.

She took a look around the room. Y/N was in a hotel. That's good she supposes, at least she's not in someone's house.

Now the main concern she had was how much money she'd spent and exactly where her friends were and....who she was in the hotel with cause she didn't drive a Cadillac.

She drives a Jeep, but she doesn't drive a Cadillac.

She doesn't drive this nice of a Cadillac either, if it's the one she's seeing out of the window right now.

And she certainly doesn't wear suits such as the one on the floor.

And she doesn't wear wedding dresses. So who had she been wi-there's a ring on her left hand.

She's panicking now.

There's a gold band on her ring finger. Was that wedding dress....her's?!

She searched for her phone and found it on the table.

Looks like Instagram and Twitter have exploded...yeah, she was married to...TOM HOLLAND?!

"Just married to Y/N, most amazing girl I've ever met!"

What the hell?!

Where-"Hey, you awake?"

Y/N spun to face-sure enough, there was the avenger in dress pants and messy hair and...holy shit those muscles.

Focus, Y/N, you're married to him. "Yeeeeeaaaahh, I'm up. But uh...care to explain what happened?"

He stood extremely nervously in the doorway to the small bathroom. "Uh...I think we got very drunk, got married, and uh...slept here." He gave a small shrug, not making eye contact.

He held his phone in his hand, too.

She sat on the floor panting, examining her 'wedding' dress. I guess drunk me has style. "We...slept here?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure if you're still a virgin anymore," he choked out.

"Oh that's grand," she sighed. "My first with SpiderMan. You're so very...very..famous," she said breathlessly.

He nodded grimly. "Yeah...I am."

"So what are we gonna do? Get a divorce?" She already knew we couldn't.

"Nope. My agent says I have a reputation. And apparently getting married and divorced all in one day is going to reck it, so we're married. For a while now," he said, almost shrinking back into the bathroom as though scared she'd attack him.

Instead she was frozen. "Oh yippee. I'm married to Tom Holland...that makes me.....Y/N Holland. Okay, that's not too bad, but I don't even know you. What if we argue all the t-do I have to move in with you?!"

He looked around the room. "I think we have to make it realistic, so I suppose we can share the apartment back in London. But here's the good news, I'll me filming here for the next two weeks, so you have those two weeks to get settled....in London."

She fell over. She also gasped. "My life is about to change very much, isn't it?"

He nodded, tilting his head to look at me. "Yeah, you're married to me, Mrs. Y/N Holland, so I suppose it's about to get crazy."

Don't tell anyone, but Y/N liked the sound of that name.

Don't tell anyone, but Tom liked the sound of that name.

Now Y/N's parents and family and whatnot would be freaking out.

"I-er, should probably tell my parents that were.....married...and stuff," she said in a small voice.

Tom nodded. "Yeah, mine called freaking out cause I had a girlfriend they didn't know about," he said in the same small voice. "And now I'm married...and they didn't get to attend the wedding..." He trailed off.

The silence was extremely awkward. "Married. Wow," she breathed.

Tom nodded, still feeling awkward. "Yeah...so..how old are you?"

She scoffed. "I'm obviously 19, dumdum, how do you think I was drunk?"

"You...have to be 21 in America...."

"Then I'm dead," she shrugged, tossing her phone. "I've been in England too long," she groaned, running her fingers through her hair.

Tom stared at her. "You've been in England?"

She dropped her hands. "Yes, I've been pursuing my stagnant acting career. It may just take off now since I'm Mrs. Holland," the thought excited her, but the thought that she was now a married 19 year old was horrifying. And that she was in America, drunk, and illegal. She must've forgotten after the first two drinks and just forgot what the hell she was doing.

"I'm in so much trouble," she muttered.

Tom nodded again. "Well, you're married to me, don't worry I'll keep you out of it."

She smiled into her lap. "My name is-was Y/N Y/L/N, by the way."

Tom smiled as well. "That's very pretty, but I think Holland suits you."

She looked up at him with a smirk. "Are you already flirting with me?"

He laughed weakly, "Maybe I am."

She shook her head at him, standing up and taking in her.......'outfit', which consisted of extremely sexy and expensive looking lingerie. "The f***k am I wearing?!"

Tom looked at the floor. "Uh...I'm not sure."

She stared at him. "You're a great actor and a horrible liar."

He nodded and retreated to the bathroom, shutting the door.

Y/N jumped around gathering all her stuff and getting dressed....over the lingerie.

"Are you decent?" Tom asked through the door.

In truth, no she wasn't. She was wearing what she apparently had last night besides the wedding dress, which was booty shorts and the top of her lingerie.

That's it. "Decent? No. Better then ten minutes ago? Yes. Can you open the door now? Yes."

He did and immediately averted his eyes. "You said you were dressed."

She raised her hands in shock. "I don't have any other clothes with me genius!"

He chuckled, licking his lips and picking up his suit jacket from the night before. "You'd look great in this." He tossed it to her and she shrugged it over her shoulders.

"Alright, you can look up now," she said with that same smirk.

He did, and licked his lips again.

"Alright, what's our plan?" She asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, um, today's Wednesday, and I have a flight back home in...two hours! So you're coming with me cause my family really wants to meet you," Tom looked at her nervously.

"Oh boy," she sighed. "Let married life begin."

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