Chocolate Kisses

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I sat on the couch, watching Supernatural and eating chocolate. Don't ask why, chocolate just helps.

Loki was being an asshole again. Something about world domination gone wrong.

He'd said we mortal's were 'petty' and 'ugly' and 'worthless'. So I told him he was 'whiny' and 'spoiled' and 'bratty', all things my parents called me.

He, of course, was only two of those things. The middle one was a lie.

I knew he was misunderstood, but he also did the misunderstanding.

Okay, yes, he was very attractive, but he was also a jerk. He loved to go on about how we were basically begging to be ruled...and I'd have to just stop him there.

So he decided he needed to go out for a while, meaning wander around the compound because he's not allowed anywhere else, unless he's on missions with me or Tasha.

So he's wandering around now, while I sit here and try not to get upset cause he'd most likely make fun of me.

Now, as much as I adore him, he's still.......Loki.

When we met he seemed to have an attraction to me, although he hit on everyone. Including Tasha, who, along with Tony, flirt right back. And Clint always slaps him when he flirts, and Bruce walks away.

Steve hates it so much, so of course he gets the most attention.

But I got even more, even dirtier, and even more forward.

Until Tasha threatened him, then he slowed down.

Now he lives in the room next to me, and were sorta together. We haven't kissed yet, I'm not sure if he's the type.

But now I was mad at him. Very mad at him. Well, if he didn't go around saying I was a stupid MidGuardian then I'd get along just fine with him.

But he insists we're all stupid, so when I go off on him about sensitive things, he gets all mad and hissy and basically behaves like a child.

And I needed him to leave me alone before I threw the precious Nutella jar at him. And that's a serious threat, too, if I'm going to actual throw that at him.

I think he understood that.

But now I got to one of those parts in the show that really jerked the feels and just shoved more chocolate into my mouth and allowed one or two tears of frustration to fall.

When I heard the door click I jumped, and watched it open slowly as I blindly grabbed the remote to press pause.

Loki poked his head in, then his body followed and he shut the door behind him, looking at the floor.

I frowned at his odd behavior. "What's up with you?"

He looked me full in the eyes. "Are you still going to throw that..object at me?"

I snorted. "The Nutella jar? No, not if you apologize." I crossed my arms and he followed suit, leaning on the door.

I took another bite of chocolate, and watched him eye me.

"I'm very sorry my lady," he said in a new tone.

He was eyeing my mouth.

I licked my lips slowly, and watched him frown.

I took another piece of chocolate and bit it, and he frowned deeper.

Maybe it's the way I bit it.

"Loki, what's going on with you over there?" I asked innocently.

"Nothing love."

I knew that was bullshit. "Sure, so why don't you come over here and work 'nothing' out?"

His eyes grew dark, and he slowly walked over to me.

It wasn't a nervous slow, it was a purposeful slow.

I gulped a little, but hey, I'd brought this on myself.

He licked his lips and I almost froze.

Well, he was a very handsome God! So I have my reasons!

He got so close our mouths almost touched.

My breathing became shallow, and my heart beat faster in my ears.

Loki was dangerous, very, very dangerous. He could kill me easily with those hands he was now running up my sides.

He could easily kill me....with those same I was turned on, great.

I think he sensed it, cause he smiled, before closing his mouth again to press it to mine.




My head exploded, my heart sped even faster, my brain stopped, and I felt fireworks and butterflies and.....this feeling was basically indescribable.

I gasped a little, not having meant to.

He didn't stop, and was soon open-mouthed and trying to convince me to let his tongue in.

He must've tasted the chocolate.

I laughed a little and he pulled back.

He frowned at me with those green eyes showing confusion. "What?"

"You want to eat chocolate via my mouth or do you just want a piece?" I asked in muffled laughter.

He twitched an eyebrow. "I think it tastes better this way."

I let out a small squeak as he kissed me again.

Please please please please comment requests!! I'm running out of ideas people!!!!!! 

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