The Audition (Part 2)

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Oh these A/N things actually annoy me.

I'd met Tom at the audition, but only briefly when he let slip I was the new love interest, and Robert gave him a very hard time for it.

I was thinking these things, reminding myself I had no reason to be so nervous, as I boarded the plane after a final fair well to my family.

We'd met before, but that was almost a whole month ago, I'd changed a bit. I'd aged a small bit, and as required, my hair was darker. It faded to a lighter shade at the end, but the darker shade complimented my skin tone, and I felt pretty good about myself.

I'd felt good about myself a month ago, but when Mr. Holland walked in the room, I suddenly felt inadequate

When I arrived, finally, a driver took me to the studio, cracking jokes the whole time, making me less uneasy. I had no reason to be so nervous, right? I was a professional actress, I could do this.

I knew that already. It was the part about immediate fame and of course, my costar.

That made me nervous.

When I arrived at the studio, I walked to the front, and I heard several people screaming.

Not for me, no, I wasn't that well known yet, but for a certain spider.

This spider pulled off his mask, looking right at me.

"Oh, hello again," said a very familiar British accented voice. I smiled up at his handsome face, almost at a loss for words.

"H-hello," I shook his hand, while he smiled at me.

"I'm so excited you're here finally!" He said, very cheerfully.

I was only able to mutter an agreement, when one of the directors suggested Tom showed me to my trailer, then around the studio.

He agreed, and walked me to my trailer, carrying one of my bags despite how many times I told him I was perfectly capable.

"So, this is you, and that one there is me!" He pointed out the trailers, the biggest one of the two being his, the smaller mine.

"And that's 'Downey Town', if you ever get invited there, I'll be so jealous!" Tom pointed to a huge ring of trailers, and I nodded, still in awe of the huge studio.

"So, I'm going to change, then I'll come get you and we'll tour the studio, 'kay?" And he walked off to his trailer, leaving me to deal with my over-hyper butterfly's.

"Oh boy," I muttered as I opened the door. The inside of the trailer was magnificent, much nicer then the one I had as a kid.

After I'd changed, freaking out in the mirror to myself, and fixing my faded makeup, a knock on my trailer door made me jump, throwing my shoe at it.

"Sorry! Come on in!"

And Tom pulled open the door, seeing the shoe, and smirking at it. "Did you throw this at the door?" He asked, pointing at it.

I flushed, nodding my head. "Yes, retard, now hand it to me so we can get going!" I'm sorry, but when I'm around cute boys I have absolutely no problem being sassy.

"Okay then," he picked it up, lightly tossing it to me.

"Ah! You'll poke my eye out," and I pulled it on while he explained to me he wouldn't do so.

"So, this is my room," he gestured to the set. "That's where all the magic happens, mostly sleeping, but still."

 I laughed.

"This is Tony's lab, it's awesome I know."

I laughed, looking at all the green screen and props.

"And this is anything we decide it will be," I was standing in the biggest room in the studio, covered wall-to-wall with green pads and screens.

I gawked at it with an open mouth. I loved wide open rooms like this, and then I burst out laughing while watching Chris Pratt fly around on strings, being a complete dork to show off.

"Hey Holland! Who's the new lady? A girlfriend?" He asked as he swung by.

"No! This is Y/N! She'll play Silk!" Tom responded.

Pratt waited till he swung past again, now posing as though he were a model, making me laugh harder.

"Same thing Holland!" He said, making a face. He swung back again, upside down this time making a face.

"And this is where we exit!" Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me out.

When we reached my trailer, I nervously picked at my left palm, looking up at the now setting sun.

"It's a beautiful sunset," I pointed out, and Tom nodded.

"It is, but it's not the most beautiful thing I've seen tonight," he added, with a wink and a cheeky grin.

"That's original," I nudged his shoulder with mine, and he grinned at the floor.

"Yeah, I know it's not, but hey, I'm not that smooth," he squeezed my hand one last time before letting go.

"G'night," he waved a little, took a few steps, then spin on his heel. "Hey, I was wondering if we could practice our script tommorow, if you'd like some good practice-"

"That sounds great!" I almost yelled it, but I tried to keep my cool.

"Well, see you tomorrow then," and he walked off, for real this time.

Oh boy. Here y'all go.

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