Russian Turn On

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Bucky Barnes speaks strictly English, cause he's not a fan of anything that reminds him of his assassin days. He never ever lets anyone talk about it without giving us the Winter Soldier glare he's not aware he even makes. So it was kind of a shock when I got into an argument with him and he started shooting rapid fire Russian at me.

I was only capable of sitting on the edge of my bed and stare at him with wide eyes and an open mouth.

He was furiously shouting Russian while moving his hands around to amplify his point, which didn't help cause no matter how much hand waving he does I still don't speak Russian.

I slouched over as he continued talking furiously in Russian. How did he know it so well?!

He didn't calm down for quite a while, and as soon as he did, mid-sentence he reverted back to English.

"-and even though I love you you can be so infuriating!"

And my eyes widened more and mouth dropped further open.

The door also opened to show Steve, looking on in shock.

Not as much shock as me, no, I held the leading title for that.

Bucky was panting and glaring at me.

I turned away from Steve to glare back at Bucky. "What?! I'm not the one that just went on a Russian tirade!"

Bucky shook his head. "I didn't do anything in Russian."

"You did too," Steve argued. "Then mid sentence you switched back with an 'I love you' and 'you're so infuriating."

I nodded. Bucky shook his head. "I did not."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for denying, Bucky."

Bucky pouted out his bottom lip and Steve chuckled at him.

I stood up and walked over to Bucky. "I am very sorry for being so infuriating."

He looked up at me with a frown. "You're not infuriating. I was just mad, I'm sorry."

"I suppose it's a good thing she doesn't speak Russian, or whatever else you said would've gotten you in so much more trouble," Steve said from the doorway, reminding us of his presence.

Bucky turned to angrily glare at him. "Go. Away."

Steve raised his hands defensively and walked away.

Bucky turned back to me. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

I smiled widely. "I forgive you handsome."

At the nickname he looked away with a grin. "What were we even arguing about again?" He asked, looking back at me.

I shrugged. "I have no memory of what it was. Same as you seem to have no memory of saying you love me."

He frowned again. "I denied that cause Steve was in the room."

I made a face. "That makes no sense to me."

He made a face to copy mine. "I did it cause he'd make fun of me!"

I put my hands on my hips. "Well, if I say it to you around him would it make you uncomfortable?"

He shrugged, then said something in Russian.

I stared. "As much as the Russian thing turns me on, I really wish I could understand what you're saying."

I chose the wrong wording. See, the 'turns me on' part made him freeze, then he got a smirk on his face, then it turned very sneaky. "Oh, it 'turns you on', now does it?"

I stood back a little, raising my eyebrows and looking anywhere but at him. "Maybe."

He clicked his tongue. "I think I heard you perfectly."

I nodded again. "Perhaps."

He gave me a disbelieving look. Then it switched to a different kind of disbelieving. "Why do you date me?" He asked in a small voice.

I froze, the tension switching to one less enjoyable. "Why do you ask that? You ask it as though there's a reason I shouldn't!"

He tilted his head to the side. "Trust me, there are plenty of reasons for you to not date me."

I sat back on the edge of the bed. "Bucky, I date you for you, not the you in the 40s, if that's what you're thinking."

He stood there making a face. "I-I have a metal arm, I killed so many people, and I'm over 100 years old. I hurt people when certain words are said, and I have a temper."

I felt almost heartbroken at his list. "Well, I think your metal arm is hot, and I've killed many people too. I'm in my twenties, and in real life you are too. I hurt people when certain words are said, and I have a temper. I date you cause you're you, and I love you."

Bucky nodded. "You killed for good. I didn't."

I sighed. "You also weren't yourself, you were under HYDRA'S control. Not your own."

Bucky shifted on his feet, looking anywhere but at me as I had done earlier.

"Bucky Barnes, if you doubt for one second that I love you for who you are, well, I'm not sure I have a good threat for that one," I muttered the ending to myself. "But I want you to know, that no matter what you've done, I absolutely adore you."

He smiled a little at the floor. "Thanks doll."

"Anything for you handsome," I said, tilting my head to try to see him better.

"So, it turns you on?"

"Oh my god, Bucky," I exclaimed in disbelief.

He chuckled, before lowly whispering Russian and walking closer.

Soon, he was kissing up and down my neck, muttering Russian against my skin.

I looked over his shoulder in ecstasy to see Tasha, who spoke Russian, staring wide-eyed. She made a motion to her ring finger, and I didn't understand at all.

When I was-er, no longer occupied-Tasha said he'd basically proposed in Russian. I choked on my drink, and Bucky death-glared at her.

I turned to him. "True or not?"

He looked at me, ashamed. "T-true."

I thought for a moment. Did I want to go this far with him? Hell yeah.

"Natasha, will you plan my wedding with me?" I turned to Tasha momentarily before looking back at Bucky to gauge his reaction. You should've seen Bucky's face. I've never seen him look happier.

Tasha smiled widely. "Yes! So long as you name your first child after me!"

"Tasha Barnes it is," I shrugged, and Bucky laughed.

"Y/N Barnes it is," he added.

I blushed, loving the sound of that name.

"Hold up, I want to get a photo of her ring on her hand for her wedding photo album, so you'd better go get her one, Barnes."

I laughed, and Bucky nodded. "Care to help me pick it out, doll?"

I clapped my hands and accepted.

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