The Avengers Compound

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Thought I'd make one telling the things that happen most every day in the compound......

Living in the avengers compound is one of the smartest and stupidest decisions a person could make.

For one, all the company is so interesting and slightly terrifying, and not to mention so fun to annoy.

For two, you're constantly being annoyed back. And since there's so many of them, there's not a lot of alone time.

For three, you end up with about the most awesome holidays. Like, no kidding, they give the coolest gifts. And birthdays are extremely enjoyable, and even if someone forgets, Natasha would remind them one way or another. (She's very good with dates)

For four, Tony has the most amazing tech, it can do literally everything.

And random activities happen constantly, wether it's Tasha deciding we need to try bungee jumping or T'Challa deciding we all need a vacation, and Wakanda is the best, no lie.

However, the best thing for me would be Peter's weekend visits. I see him every day at school, yes, but when he stays the weekend, with his aunt under the impression he's sleeping over at Ned's, it's so much more fun.

He likes to be with Tony most of the time, like father/son bonding time, but sometimes I can pull him out of the lab for an hour or two before Tony takes him back.

But at night is when it gets fun.

Get your head out of the gutter, you know that's not what I meant.

Peter is actually very hilarious, and makes these strange suggestions ranging from peanut butter under Loki's covers to purple hair dye in Tasha's hair soap.

And of course we follow through with ever single suggestion.

You know that rumor about how if you follow Tony around you get strong wifi? Well, that's no rumor. He's a serious hot spot.

So if I lay across his lap or wrap my arms around his shoulders while on my device, he knows why. And he complains the whole time, but I think he secretly likes it.

And that other rumor about how Loki is scared of thunderstorms? Not a rumor, he's legitimately afraid of thunder. Then again, so am I, so when there's a thunder storm we sit on opposite ends of the couch, under blankets and pillows, and he puts on a magic show. And every time the thunder strikes he lets me sidle closer until we're up against each other. He also whines, but I think he likes the show of affection.

Yeah, Clint's favorite hiding spot is the vents. It's highly irking when you're trying to do something and he coughs from the vent or sneezes and scares the bejesus out of you. And I have experienced many frights when he decided dropping randomly from one is a good idea.

Tasha is a huge clothes thief, like its a bad habit. She parades around in Thor's cape, Wanda's corset, Tony's jacket, Clint's sweats, and Bruce's socks. She takes Loki's helmet, too, but Loki only willingly let's me wear it. From me, she steals makeup and hair supplies.

Tony has a weird thing for posting vines or just regular videos on YouTube of the avengers. When I'm at school and hear a reference to one I just cringe, I mean, I'm in some of them. It's very embarrassing when Tony catches you singing or dancing or doing anything actually. Nothing is more embarrassing than being recorded in a competition of water balloons against Tasha and Clint. Like, really embarrassing.

Thor and his pop tarts. Oh boy, that's somewhere you don't go. You never ever ever get to mess with Thor's pop tarts. I did once, and, well, I've never been so close to the moon in my life.

Loki isn't actually a very bad guy, well, around me anyway. Around Tony he's a real prick, always trying to stab him one way or another. Thor and I have to watch him. He also likes to shape-shift into animals to amuse me, or annoy Bruce. Either way, he makes very pretty animals.

Peter is a movie reference King. Like, he seems to have a quote for every situation from any well known movie. His Mean Girls references are getting out of hand.

Bruce is a major arguer, even with, you know, the other guy. We are currently having an argument over Yanney or Laurel. Tony is so sick of it that he banned me from the lab so I won't annoy Bruce. Or Tony.

T'Challa literally does love cats. I however am allergic to them, which sucks, but pretending to be allergic to him is fun. His sister, whom I've never met, sends neat toys with him that make sandy projections of all sorts of animals. So if a sand cat runs past me, I can thank Shuri for the next half hour of chasing it that I no doubt will do.

Sam will willingly take me flying if I promise to teleport him to whatever country he wants to visit afterwards. And he also lets me help him stick as many fridge magnets as possible to Bucky's arm before he notices and tries to kill Sam. Me, well, he loves me so he'd never kill me, but he wouldn't hesitate to tickle me till I cried. And I have to learn to run fast. I know what you're thinking, just teleport away! Where's the fun in that, huh? Bucky also really enjoys taking me and Peter or just me and him to Coney Island, and any other amusement park he can think of. I let him drag me around. I also let him force me to force Tony to play the American anthem any time Steve walks in the room.

Tony plays lots of special songs for each person who walks through the door anyway. One time, he played "I kissed a girl" when Tasha walked in. She almost choked him out for it, and none of us ever found out why he played that song. Whenever Peter walks in, he plays "Should I stay or should I go", and I think that annoys Peter more than anything. Whenever Peter and I walk through together, he plays "Umbrella." Why? I dunno, he's Tony Stark. And to Tony, that's a good enough excuse to do anything really.

So whenever Tony walks in, I play "Womanizer". He gets so mad.

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