I waited

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I waited on earth for Tony and Peter to return. I had no idea where they'd gone, but they weren't here.

Wanda had gone, Bucky, Sam and Rhodes were gone. It was just me, Tasha and Steve.

Thanos had snapped his fingers, and people started fading into ash.

I was almost at hyperventilating point, and Tasha reached over to me and pulled me against her. "Shh, breath. It'll be okay."

I didn't believe her. "Where's Peter?"

"Dunno kid," Steve answered monotone, sitting on the ground. "Dunno."

But a loud noise came behind us, and I struggled out of Tasha's grip, turning to see a beat up ship crashing to the ground.

Out stepped Tony and some blue girl.

I ran to Tony. He smiled weakly and caught me. I hugged him tight, squeezing my eyes shut.

He set me down, tears in his eyes and gripped my shoulders.

I held my breath. "P-Peter....he...he faded..didn't he?" I didn't really want to know.

Tony nodded, swallowing hard. "I'm so sorry babe. I know he was..he loved you so much."

I choked, clutching my chest. "No no no," I breathed.

Tasha ran up behind me. "The kid?" She asked.

Tony shook his head.

Tasha hung her head.

My breathing was back to hyperventilation point, and Tasha looked worried. "He's gone!" I cried.

Tasha hugged me to her again. "It's okay," she said, but in her voice I could hear she didn't believe so.

But I was lost in my own mind now. I'd never see him again. I shoved away from Tasha and ran past Steve, up to the Wakanda palace. I sobbed the whole way.

I passed a sobbing Shuri, and ran to the big doors. I only made it halfway up the steps when I fell to my knees, sitting on the cold concrete.

I held one hand over my face, crying so loudly it hurt my own ears.

Shuri looked up at me, and choked. She stood up and climbed the steps, sitting next to me. "I'm-I'm so so sorry," she sniffled, crying into her own hands.

"S-so am I," I managed.

Shuri pulled something out of her pocket. "Peter-Peter sent me th-this for you," she said, her voice broken.

My head felt light from all the crying. I looked at what it was, 'it' being a video. Shuri handed me the thing it was projected from, which looked like a big bead. She stood up and walked away, toward Steve and Tony.

I gulped, and sat for several moments before I was ready to watch.

"Hey sweetie. Look, I, uh, I didn't plan on going into space, but Mr. Stark gave me a new suit, so I'll be fine! I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye baby, but I promise I'll be home soon. I'll take care of Mr. Stark, and we'll be home soon...I hope. Look," Peter paused, looking behind him at something I couldn't see. He appeared to be on the big ship Tony had crashed back to earth on. "I don't actually know if I'll come home, but I want you to know I love you, okay? I'm so proud of you and so proud to have you. I have to go now, but I love you so much!" He smiled and the video ended.

I smiled through too many tears. "I-I love you t-too," I sobbed. "Why?" I cried. "Why did you have to die? He's...he's so young," I choked again on nothing.

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