In Denial

978 34 3

"Wanda!" I shrieked.

"Yes princeza?" Came her Sokovian accent from the room next to mine.

"Wanda!" I said with more urgency.

"Oh, princeza, what?" She said exasperatedly as she opened the door connecting Peter's and I's room with hers.

"I need your assistance," I said sheepishly.

"With what-oh God." She realized what was happening.

"I may or may not have pissed Parker off," I said.

There really was no 'may or may not have' because I definitely did.

He had webbed me to the ceiling, and told me, "two hours, Y/N, then you can come down," and he'd walked out.

"How did you get up there, princeza?" Wanda asked.

"Parker," was all I said.

"I see. What did you do to get yourself up there?" She continued.

"You see, we were playing a game, and I may have teased him too far, and now I'm on the ceiling! Please get me down!"

As Wanda's pretty red mist of powers floated around, gently setting me down, I watched it and her.

"That was awesome!" I marveled at her.

Her irises had turned red.

And it was awesome.

But her cheeks turned pink and she smiled.

"Thank you princeza. Now what were you teasing Mr. Parker about?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing," I shrugged.

Tasha walked in. "Y/N, I heard you yelling for Wanda. What happened?"

Wanda smiled some more. "She was teasing Mr. Parker, and he used his webs to attach this girl to the ceiling," Wanda explained for me.

"What were you teasing him about?" Tasha asked.

"Nothing Tasha. Nothing," I said.

Wanda, however, decided to read my mind.

"Liz," she said while I glared at her.

"Who's Liz?" Tasha asked, confused.

I used this opportunity to mock Peter.  "Who's Liz? Oh, she's-shes the best.. She's awesome," I said, mocking Peter's (cough*adorable*cough) accent.

Tasha and Wanda shared a knowing look.

"Oh, I see," Wanda said.

"You are jealous as shit"

I glared at Tasha, when I heard Tony yell, "language!" From the hall.

"Shut up Tony!" Tasha snapped.

"I'm not jealous," I muttered.

I tried to push past Wanda and Tasha, but they both caught me and hugged me tightly.

"I'll make sure Liz and Peter don't end up together. One way or another," Tasha said in a growl.

"Tasha!" I yelled.

"Anything for our princeza," Wanda teased.

"I'm not jealous! Liz is just a prick, is all." I pouted into Tasha's shoulder.

"Who's a prick?" Tony asked.

Tasha and Wanda finally released me.

"You are," and I pushed past all three of them while Tasha and Wanda oohed at Tony.

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