Dancing at Midnight

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Tom was always home sooooo late. He was out filming, and I was greatful it was a project in London, but still. I hardly got to see him, unless I snuck on set.

Okay, I didn't sneak. I had a pass, and I'd show up and wave it. "MY BOYFRIEND IS BEING HELD HERE AGAINST HIS WILL AND IM HERE TO TAKE HIM HOME!" And I'd get kicked off set.

But if I was lucky, he'd sneak home, but lately they'd needed him more.

And that meant he had to work quiet late. So I'd always try to stay up to see him, which meant music to keep me awake. I could dance very well, having practiced with Tom when he had shows.

So when I was sick of rock, dance, and country I turned to slow music, dancing calm and mesmerizing dances I'd been learning. I felt wonderful, moving with the rhythm, sliding around.

I didn't know Tom was watching, sleepy-eyed from the doorway with a dopey love-struck grin on his handsome face.

I moved one certain way and he licked his lips, deciding now was a good time to join.

So, Sleeping-Beauty-style, he slid in, grabbing my hands and moving along with me.

"Ah! Hey angel," I giggled after recovering from the initial shock.

He smiled down at me as we started moving slower to the next song, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"You saw me this morning," he pointed out, running his fingertips up and down my sides as we did a small two step.

I nodded. "I know. But still, a girl can miss her boy, can't she?"

"I'm twenty-two, I'm a man," he pretended to be offended.

"Whatever baby boy," I muttered.

He snorted a little. "Thanks baby girl."

I sighed, feeling super sleepy at the late hour and the calming pace we moved, and the slow motion of his fingertips.

It felt amazing to be so close, knowing he wasn't going anywhere till morning.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" I asked.

Me, him, and Harrison shared an apartment, and since Harrison didn't know we were together, I slept in my own room.

That didn't stop me from sneaking to his in the middle of the night.

He loved it, I know that much.

"Of course darling."

I smiled. My eyelids felt so heavy, and I almost slumped against him. He chuckled before hooking an arm under my legs and lifting me up bridal-style.

I looked at him. "What ya doing?"

He frowned a little, but had a smirk on. "Practicing."

I frowned now, in confusion. "For what?"

"You'll see one day," he responded.

Yeah, I connected it. Bridal style? Very sneaky.

He tossed my onto his mattress before changing, allowing me to, of course, watch him, which I did without any remorse.

He was very handsome you know.

He eyed me from the mirror. "Are you checking me out?"

I rolled my head on the pillow to look at the ceiling. "No, I was checking out the mirror. It's so pretty and shiny."

He laughed. "Whatever you say princess."

I felt so tired, that before he'd even climbed in next to me my eyes were shut and I was drifting off.

"Goodnight angel," was the last thing I heard.

He was a keeper, that's for sure.

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