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"I am mad! That's what happens, Parker!" I snapped at him.

"Well maybe if you told me what made you mad, I could fix it, than you wouldn't graduate to the next stage!" Peter responded.

"Oh? And what's that?" I countered.

"Well, with you, you start sad, get mad, get more mad, get even more mad, than you're pissed, than you start shooting things! Right now, you're pissed!" Peter stated.

"So I'm gonna start shooting stuff? Just, what, randomly!?" I bantered.

"Yes!! And last time you shot a hole in Tony's ceiling!"

"Oh. Come on, really? That's all?"

"The ceiling fell down!" Peter responded.

I just glared at him.

"So, Y/N, because I don't want you to shoot the ceiling down, please, please, please tell me what's wrong?" Peter's voice was calm.

"I don't want to. I'd rather shoot the ceiling down," I sighed, looking at the floor.

"Y/N," he urged.

"Okay! Stop giving me the puppy eyes!" I shouted. When Parker gave you puppy eyes, you couldn't help but lighten up a bit. "Flash and some of his cronies, um, you see, after school today, they, um-" I tried to explain.

"Y/N, what did Flash do?" Peter asked, looking mad.

"He, uh-" but I didn't finish. I just lifted up my sleeve to show all the bruised I had been hiding.

"What the hell? And you didn't tell me why?" Peter fumed.

"Because! You get so mad! And I'm afraid you'll accidentally give yourself away! Besides, I already took care of it," I added the last part quietly.

"What did you do?" Peter asked as though he really didn't want to know.


"She beat them all up. Flash almost went through the wall. Don't worry, I altered all their memories. They don't remember what actually happened," Wanda had walked in.

I yanked my sleeve back down. I hadn't shown anyone on the team. Because I was afraid of how mad they'd get.

I only showed Peter, who looked very mad.

"I'm gonna kill him," Peter hissed.

"Peter, if anyone else had said that, I'd've laughed, because they wouldn't be capable of it, but since you are, NO!!" I shouted the last part.

"He gave you bruises, Y/N! He's never gone that low before!" Peter countered.

"Wait, you have bruises?!" Wanda asked, sounding worried.

I yanked my sleeve back up, which hurt, but I wished Peter had kept his mouth shut.

Wanda walked closer and took my arm in her hand.

"Don't worry, Peter. I'll kill him myself," Wanda muttered.

"No! Wanda, honey, I'm fine! I promise! I got even with him! You said so yourself!" I held out my hands to stop her.

Wanda didn't listen. She just let go of my arm softly and stalked out of the room.

I chased her, Peter trailing behind me.

"Wanda!" I called after her.

"What's going on?" Tasha asked. She was watching some of the guys in the gym.

"Flash left bruises on Y/N. Wanda and I are gonna go kill him," Peter told her.

I glared at him.

I had expected Tasha to be the voice of reason, but she looked just as furious as Wanda and Peter.

I saw her look at my arm, and her eyes flashed dangerously.

"No, Tasha!" I said warningly. "Please! I took care of it!"

And of course, with my luck lately, the guys came stumbling out of the gym, and took one look at the three angry people standing around me, and looked confused.

"Peter, Y/N, what did you do?" Tony asked, stepping forward.

"Nothing!" I hoped that Peter and Tasha and Wanda would keep their traps shut.

No such luck.

"Flash, a kid at Y/N and Peter's school, gave Y/N bruises. We're going to beat him up," Wanda informed them.

"At least your not gonna kill him anymore!" I snapped at Wanda.

"Wait, bruises? Where?" Steve asked. He pushed past the others to see.

"On her arm!" Peter piped up.

I smacked his.

"Let me see," about half of them said.

I held up my arm. "Right there, there, there, and there," I pointed them out, acting like a five year old.

"No one gets to bully the little one!" Tony yelled.

"Tony, I'm 16, and so is Peter. I'm not the little one," I complained.

Bucky took one look at my arm and got a look on his face that could probably kill Flash alone.

Steve looked irritated.

Tony was already saying he'd summon his suit and beat the crap outta the kid.

Sam was already donning his flight suit, which terrified me.

Thor wasn't present, thank the gods.

Clint was, and he told everyone to step back while he looked at the bruises.

He decided to play target practice with the Flash.

About an hour later I had managed to convince everyone I was fine and that I had handled it. But they still made threats in case he ever did that again.

"If he ever hurts you again, tell him I'll punch his face in. With the metal arm." That came from Bucky. Duh.

"I'll let him try out my shield. He can see just how fast I can throw it. He can be the target," Steve said while I gaped at him.

"My new arrows need testing, so if he does that again, let me know," Clint said.

"I've always wondered what happens when you pump someone full of chemicals that you don't know anything about," Sam mused.

And so on.

Oh boy.

"Chevy, I can make people see their worst nightmares. I'll play it over and over in his head," Wanda threatened.

"I'll web him to the top of a building. And I'll leave him there for and hour and fifty-nine minutes," Parker said, teasingly poking my side.

"You know what I'd do to him," Tasha said, glaring right at me with a pointed look. I knew what she'd do.

She was Flash's worst worry.

But I had to tell them that if they did go beat him up, everyone would know I was an avenger, and we couldn't have that.

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