I tried to tell you

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Try #1

"Tom, you didn't," I muttered, looking at the post where Tom...uh...'spoiled' SpiderMan two.

"I didn't what?" Tom muttered back.

We sat in a crowded restaurant, whispering so we didn't draw attention. And Tom was grinning cheekily at me.

"Spoil the second movie. Marvel told you to, didn't they?" I set my phone down and looked up at him.

He bit his lip. I wanted to smack him for that, cause he looked so cute when he did so. "Er...they may have told me to."

I nodded. "Fans like the appeal. You're a spoiler, but you know...you'd get sued if you actually did shit like that," I theorized.

Tom nodded. "I'm not actually that bad, but marvel likes how much fans love a spoiler," he shrugged, giving me his tight-lipped smile. "The news spreads so much faster when I 'spoil' or 'leak' something." He resumed his smile.

I loved that smile. So did almost every sane person on this planet. So why would I be special?

"Hey, are you planning on spoiling anything about Avengers 4 by any chance?" I asked, talking in a high voice.

He laughed, then covered his mouth so no one heard him. "Sorry, but nope."

I smiled at him, mostly cause his smile was so contagious. "Listen, Tom, I-"

I was interrupted by a squealing fangirl, so I smiled and waved at her.

I was Tom's costar in another movie project he had, but that doesn't mean I was excluded from the marvel crowd. We became such good friends that I was even introduced, by him, to RDJ. Best day ever.

But if some stupid fangirls would just keep their damn distance I could tell him how I felt....maybe.

Try #2

Tom and I had snuck onto the set Chris Pratt and the other guardians were working on.

Okay, we didn't exactly sneak, but we were skulking.

We hid behind one of the props as they moved along, scripts in hand and practicing.

Tom looked at me, a small telepathic conversation followed, and we nodded.

We waited till Chris got closer...closer....closer, and jumped out, yelling, "BOO!"

Everyone dropped their scripts and jumped back, some screaming and yelling.

Tom and I fell into each other laughing. Chris held a hand over his chest and was panting dramatically. "Are you trying to kill me Holland?!"

I laughed only harder, hiding my face in Tom's chest.

He patted my back as he laughed. "I'm sorry dude," he said when he caught his breath.

"Alright Holland, take your girlfriend and get back to your own set. But watch out, revenge will be sweet," Chris said, pointing at us.

I laughed a bit more as Tom pulled me out by the hand. Halfway to our set he turned around, my hands in his and him walking backwards.

He gave me a cheeky grin. "We're filming our kissing scene today," he said, and bit his lip as he smiled.

I gasped. "Fun!"

He nodded.

"Hey Tom, I kinda-"

"HOLLAND! Y/L/N! Get over here! You're late! Let's go!"

I sighed and just ran faster with Tom. I'd try again later.

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