Circus (New Rules Pt. 2)

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I sat nervously as Z did my makeup. "Oh girl, you look so sexy. Pose with the whip," she stood back so I could see myself in the mirror.

She was right, this outfit suited me well. And the top hat was sexy, not to mention the whip.

"Alright, you're on first. Go!"

So I ran to the elevator in these boots that were honestly a trip hazard. I stood with my head down, so when the door opened and the single spot light shone on me, all that was seen was my mouth. I smiled, and the crowd cheered.

I posed with my hips out and hand on my hip, the whip coiled up.

"There's only two types of people in the world," I looked up, and everyone screamed. Tom looked awestruck. "Ones that entertain, and the ones that observe," I rolled my head around sassily, walking slowly with swagger out of the lift.

I kept one hand on my hip to keep the whip coiled. "Well baby I'm a put-on-a-show kinda girl," I moved the whip in front of me, standing with my legs apart and holding the coil in both hands. "Don't like the backseat, gotta be first."

I rolled my head around on my shoulders. "I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins, spotlight on me and I'm ready to break. I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage." I hooked the whip onto the belt loop. "Better be ready, hope that you feel the same," I pointed at the crowd.

More spotlights shone on my back up dancers, who were posed and frozen.

My heart pounded in my ears. Here goes. Hopefully I didn't whip anyone.

"All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus," everyone began dancing to the beat, moving in ways I won't bother telling because your mind will just have to work on its own imagination skills.

"When I crack that whip," I did, I whipped it out to the left, and everyone screamed. "Everybody goin' trip just like a circus. Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do," I moved around fast and pointedly swinging the whip around my head. "Everybody let go, we can make the dance floor just like a circus," I slammed the whip onto the floor as all the dancers froze.

I bowed my head and let the hat fall, letting my curls out and shrugged my jacket off as I sang, "There's only two types of guys out there," and I unbuttoned my shirt slowly to reveal a very showy costume. "Ones that can hang with me," I gestured around me. "And the ones that are scared," I pointed right at Tom, who was still in awe.

"So baby I hope that you came prepared," I looked back to the crowd. I was going for a crazy-woman demeanor, and I was killing it. I bent down slowly and-well, I think you get it-picked up the whip. "I run a tight ship so! Beware," I whipped the whip to my right this time as the dancers moved again. "I'm like a ringleader, I call the shots. I'm like a firecracker, I make it hot," I swiveled my hips pointedly as the whip slithered around behind me.

Tom looked like he'd already given up all hope.

"When I put on a show! I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins, spot light on me and I'm ready to break. I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage. Better be ready, hope that you feel the same," we all started moving with the beat faster, and I was loving every second of the sweltering heat and screaming and dancing all muddled together.

"I'm running this." My movements became slower and more sensual. But as the beat picked back up I straightened to more rigid movements.

"All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus. When I crack that whip everybody goin' trip just like a circus. Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do," I spun the whip some more. "Everybody let go, we can make the dance floor just like a circus. lol eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus. When I crack that whip," I smacked the ground with it, "Everybody gonna trip just like a circus. Don't stand there watching me, show me what you can do," I swung around and felt myself almost passing out in the heat and exhilaration. "Everybody let go, we can make the dance a dance floor just like a circus."

I was panting and sweating, but laughing at Tom's expression. Priceless.

I hadn't expected Dancing in the Rain....oh, nevermind, nevermind, it's Umbrella. Holy shit he's gonna win dressed and dancing like that!

I stared wide eyed and open mouthed at his dance, almost as dirty as mine till he came over and basically twerked in front of me, so I took the opportunity and smacked his ass.

You should've seen his reaction, not to mention the crowd.

The minute the rain started pouring I was only able to bow to him.

"Well, there can only be one winner, although your performances warrant a win to both of you."

I snorted. Tom laughed beside me in his robe, while I stood in my bikini-like costume with no shame.

"And that winner is.....Y/N!"

Tom laughed and hugged me. "Nice job darling."

I twirled the whip weakly. He eyed it. "Kinky huh?" I asked, draping it over his shoulders.

I took the huge belt and cheered with the crowd.

"So, Tom, I bet you thought you'd take her by surprise with your umbrella stunt, huh? How did you feel when she came out wielding that whip?"

I laughed, and Tom shrugged disinterestedly, so I gave him a half-hearted smack with the coil of the whip.

"It's...quiet something," he said with another shrug.

"So, you're both dressed as strippers, huh?"

I eyed Tom's robe. "He's got a cover, I'm like hey! check out my-"

"I think we're done here," Tom interrupt me.

I jumped up with a final wave and ran to the back, him tagging behind me. "You look great in that costume you know."

"Role play your thing?" I asked in a whisper.

He shrugged again. "Just might be."

I gasped and smacked his shoulder, but he grabbed me and spun me back to him. 

"I did a good job, didn't I?" He asked.

I nodded, putting a hand in his chest. "Very."

"So, I would like to congratulate you myself," he said in a new tone that sent a shiver to my core. "With a kiss maybe?"

I gulped, but nodded. "Hell yeah." And I pressed my mouth to his, and he hummed against me.

"And you smacked my ass!"

"Yes I did."

"My turn."

"No!" And I ran from him again.

And by the way, the robe fell to the floor, so I'm sure this was a funny sight to see.

Rihanna chasing Brittany Spears Backstage.

I can see the headlines now.

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