The Audition (Part 1)

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Hello my awesome people's:)

So this is a Tom Holland one....cause everyone loves him, right? And I'm sorry if anything is unrealistic, I'm no professional.

"SpiderMan 2, audition is tomorrow. Don't be late."

My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm a young actress. I didn't think I'd get any part in this movie, but what the hell. Why not.

So I gave it a try.

Auditions went so much smoother than I thought they would. I had to show off a few stunts, but that's about it.

I stood in front of a camera and read lines off a script. It was a script from Homecoming, the first movie.

I read the lines from a conversation between Ned and Peter. The director had me read Peter's lines, while he read Ned's.

The whole time, I could only think about how amazing it would be to get a part in this movie. I mean hello! I would get a chance to work with Tom Holland, who is very hot, by the way.

And Marvel movies is the way to go if you want to become well known. Being in a Marvel movie has been, like, my lifelong goal. Not that my life has been that long, but you know, 19 years is quite a while, from my view point.

I didn't get to meet any of the other actors or actresses until my last audition. My fifth audition. It was exciting to have so many. I was reading lines, when RDJ walked in. Yup, you heard correctly. Robert Downey Jr.

My heart beat faster than I thought it ever could, and I figured I'd have a very hard time explaining myself.

"Hey! My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I am a huge fan!" That came out better than I thought it would've, and he smiled, introduced himself, said something sarcastic, and left, all in the space of three minutes.

Was that a test?

That's when Tom Holland walked in. No joke, the one and the only Tom freaking Holland walked into the room. The same one I was in. Not lying.

Holy Shit-Zu he was even better looking in person.

I'd heard that he was, but I'd never believed it.

Let me tell you, when your hero and/or celebrity crush stands in front of you, it's kind of hard to keep yourself cool and collected.

But, I'm a professional actress.

So I played it as cool as possible.

That wasn't as cool as it should have been, cause I still gushed a bit.

Well, that's sort of an understatement.

He seemed to understand, and he smiled a lot, which was cute.

"Hi! My name is Y/N Y/L/N! I'm so glad to meet you!"

I shook his hand. Aaaah!

He smiled wider.

"I'm Tom Holland! I'm glad to hear your a fan!" His British accent made those words sound, well, adorable?

And so we had a mostly normal conversation. As normal as a conversation can be between a famous, handsome actor and a young actress, who happens to be a huge fan.

Somewhere in the conversation, he started to let his guard down, and let a few spoilers slip. But none shocked me as much as the following.

"So, since you have the love interest, do you suppose we should get together sometime? We need to have a somewhat realistic chemistry on set."

I stared at him, my mouth gaping open. Not only did he just nonchalantly say I got the part, but he said something about love interest, getting together, and chemistry.

All I could do was blink.

He suddenly got really red.

"I wasn't supposed to say that! Oh my god, marvel is going to kill me!" He looked genuinely terrified.

"Way to go, Holland. And you wonder why they never let you come to these things!" I heard Robert Downey Jr. say from behind us.

I realized I was still staring at Tom, with my mouth slightly agape, and I was probably not blinking-or breathing- normaly.

"So, I got the main part?" I asked, barely able to keep my voice from rising due to all the excitement.

"No, I have the main part, I'm SpiderMan, but the love interest, yeah," he gestured to himself.

Robert gave his goofy one-sided smile to us, and before he could quip, I beat him to it.

"Perfect time to remind us that you are the Web Slinger, eh Holland?"

I nearly jumped on him. I was so excited! Duh, who wouldn't be!

All of the possibilities flashed through my mind. I get to go to big premiers, I get to meet the avengers, I get to hang around the Web Slinger himself. I was never so elated in my life.

Tom Holland was still looking very ashamed of himself. So I smiled at him.

"You saved me a week of extreme anxiety and self doubt, dude. Thanks," I patted his shoulder, a shiver running through my arm, even though I'd done it, not him.

"I doubt the Russo Brothers will let me live after this," he said, avoiding Robert's gaze.

I had a feeling this would change my life.


"Okay, so we've practiced this before, right?"

My brother was helping me pack for my trip to Atlanta for filming. I had the love interest, which was marvel's adaption of Silk, changing the story so she was a love interest, which made no sense to me but hey. It's marvel. They do what they want, and they regret nothin'.

I was getting to work, of course, with Tom Holland, who played Peter Parker. I was so freaking nervous, and Y/B/N (brothers name or make one up lovelys), my brother, could clearly see it.

"Hey, you're gonna have a great time! Being in SpiderMan has been your goal for what, nine years?" Y/B/N was not only assisting with packing, but he was trying so hard to boost my confidence, only succeeding in boosting the motor on my inner butterfly zoo.

"Yeah, but this is Tom Holland we're talking about, Y/B/N! It's not like my last costar!" The last movie I'd done was called 911, which was a romantic action movie, no different from SpiderMan two I'd guess.

"So? The guys hot, so what? You're hotter!" Y/B/N shrugged as though that were the simplest thing ever, but those butterfly's were on a high.

I gave a scoff. As if being hotter than Holland was even a tiny possibility.

"You're just nervous cause you have such a big crush on him," Y/B/N added with a goofy expression on his face.

"Oh, shut up," I smacked his arm in a playful manner.

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