Soul Stone

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(All photos edited my moi so no touchy)

I woke up gasping.

I sat bolt upright, clutching my heart.

In my dream, I had a repeat of the fight with Thanos.

Peter, my Peter, crying and begging to live, tripping and falling into Tony, crying that he doesn't want to go. The slight amount of eye contact we'd had when that happened, and I felt all the fear in him, and it transferred to me before I disappeared.

Then we'd arrived here, in the soul dimension, in some forest.

I had to watch it over again. And that killed me more inside.

Until I remembered, Peter was asleep right next to me, and my tears flowed freely from relief, instead of horror.

I stared down at him in a non-creepy way. "Oh, why?" I whispered. "Why did you have to be so sad?"

He didn't stir, just his chest moving up and down steadily in sleep. His eyebrows were knitted together from whatever he was dreaming, and the corner of his mouth twitched in an adorable way. Both his arms were folded against his chest, and he was facing away from me.

I watched, wiping furiously at tears. I was so relieved he was sleeping next to me, peaceful instead of crying on a planet far from earth, all hurt and being ripped apart, conscious of the fact he was dying. We'd arrived I this dimension at slightly separate times, I'd met Bucky first and then Wanda, then Sam I think. Then Peter had arrived, and I'd never been so relieved to see him. We'd stayed in a hug position for what seemed like forever till I realized he was in pain, and let me tell you, mind manipulation is so hard when your tricking it into thinking there's no pain, which is why Peter's sleeping and not crying. Wanda had helped me with Peter's mind, and now he didn't feel any pain. 

I was so relieved he wasn't crying now, cause if he was I might've passed out.

But I was crying, and I wanted him to hold me. I placed one hand on is hip, careful not to wake him but still wanting contact.

I accidentally let out a louder sob than I meant.

He jolted, and rubbed his eyes slowly, then lowered his hands to look next to him, realize I wasn't there, panic, then see me.

I covered my mouth, holding in gasps and tears.

He frowned. "Oh, no no no no no, don't cry!" He whispered frantically.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I just-I watched you die-you were gone-"

"But I'm right here, it's okay baby, come 'ere," he gulped and reached out for me.

I nodded, falling into his chest. He pulled my up to straddle him, crying softly into his shoulder involuntarily. His strong arms encircled my waist, holding me in place flush against him.

"I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay, I've got you," he whispered, and my heart jolted in my chest.

"You weren't though, you-you were in so much pain-"

"Stop, stop doing that to yourself," he whispered firmly.

I gasped and hugged him tighter. In response, he turned to the side and laid down, so I was still wrapped around him, but we gave into the fact we were still sleepy.


"Shh, it's okay," he pulled my head out of his shoulder, looking right into my eyes, "Everything's okay." He nodded as I shook my head. "Baby, don't argue, I've got you, I'm not letting go, we're okay, it's okay, just sleep."

I stopped shaking my head, resting my forehead against his.

He kissed my nose.

Horrid possibilities started running through my mind.

"What if I'd stayed behind? What if I thought you were really dead? What if, oh my-I could've been stuck back on that horrid planet and you'd be here, we'd be separated-"

"Angel, stop, you're beating me up," he whispered. "And yourself. None of those things happened, you're here with me, you're all mine, it's okay."

He pulled me closer, which I thought impossible, but he managed.

"Please go back to sleep angel," he whimpered in my ear when I continued crying.

"I just don't want to dream about that again."

"If you do, I'll be right here. I promise."

I choked on a sob, and he ran his hands up and down my back slowly. He brushed my hair off my neck, kissing it softly a few times before laying his head back down, looking at me with a soft expression.

What would happen? Thanos had control of earth now, and we were stuck here, totally useless. At least we were with each other, or we'd all be horribly scared and confused. However, if we ever got out of the soul dimension was one thing looming over all of us.

I soon gave into sleep, but I never once moved away from him for the rest of the night.

Who wants a sort of prequel to this? "Arriving in the Soul Demension?" I promise it's funnyish.

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