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Taehyung was extremely jealous, but he wouldn't admit it or maybe he just couldn't  admit it.

After j-hope followed Jimin, soon after came the one and only Agust D, yet another person he looked up to, the only person that was missing now was RM. If he were to follow Jimin now, then the holy trinity known as Cypher would all be following him. That got him all types of messed up.

He hadn't even gotten a follow from Jungkook, but here was Jimin watching his follow count go up by the second whilst Taehyung sat in the corner watching him as he ate his fries silently. Until he finally got another message from Jungkook.

Direct Message

are you happy now?
4:17 PM

sure, i guess.
4:18 PM✓

4:18 PM✓

are you sure?
4:18 PM

you don't sound
like you're sure.
4:18 PM

trust me. i'm fine.
4:18 PM✓

4:19 PM

okay, wait.
4:19 PM✓

yea? what's up?
4:19 PM

why did j-hope and
agust d follow jimin?
4:20 PM✓

420 blaze it.
4:20 PM

anyways i honestly
don't know, maybe
they thought he was
cute or something?
4:21 PM

aren't they dating
each other though?
4:21 PM✓

yea, i guess.
4:21 PM

wait. are you like
jealous or something?
4:22 PM

you want a follow?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4:22 PM

i don't mind.
4:23 PM✓

so you were jealous.
4:23 PM

not of your following.
4:23 PM✓

of j-hope's and agust d's
follow for jimin. i love them.
4:24 PM✓

New Tweet from
@/k.taehyung - 1 minute ago

i don't know how to feel about this. honestly, what the hell is going on?

💬 2     ↱ ↲ 1   ♡ 3

Taehyung sighed as he continued eating the soggy fries in distaste, they had gotten that way since jimin took his sweet time walking over to his house earlier.

"About what?" Jimin suddenly asked pointing at his phone, Taehyung's recent tweet displayed on his phone. The younger boy shrugged, "About everything that's happening now, i guess. Nothing's making sense and i feel so lost."

Jimin looked at him with concern before going back on his phone smiling once again, probably about the many notifications he's now getting from all these strangers.

Taehyung shoved another handful of fries into his mouth upon hearing a notification go off on his phone, assuming that it was only Jungkook. He was correct.

Twitter - 4 seconds ago
@/jungkookie✔️ followed you!

He tossed his phone onto his bed as he laid on the floor, hugging the bag of fries, dismissing all his other notifications.

Twitter - 1 second ago
@/RM_✔️ followed you!

This is the story of Taehyung's upbringing and learning how to trust again.

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