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Direct Message

good luck today!
10:48 AM✓

i can't wait to meet you, kookie!
10:48 AM

me neither!
10:48 AM✓

but i can't meet you today.
message failed to send

oh shit
message failed to send

taehyung, i'm
with cypher right now.
message failed to send

i guess they're really
serious about their stuff.
message failed to send

there's no connection.
message failed to send

i'm sorry, this was so last minute
message failed to send

ugh, this sucks.
message failed to send

Taehyung walked into the very clean and very large entertainment company, his heart was quite literally beating out of his chest. He looked around the place curiously and couldn't help but feel out of place.

Everyone was around him was fast paced and formal, it made his stomach drop. "Hi there! Can I help you?" A cheery voice asked from the information counter, the brunette took a deep breath walking towards the little area, "Hiya, I'm Kim Taehyung, here for an interview?"

The person behind the counter clasped his hands together, presenting a warm smile, "You're the one Jungkook-ssi wouldn't stop talking about! Right, Chan? Let me take you up there right now!"

The boy smiled, gesturing Taehyung to walk ahead before turning to his coworker, "Chan, I'll be right back, okay? Don't screw anything up while I'm gone." The other boy at the counter bowed his head down respectfully, quickly returning to his work.

When satisfied, the boy walked faster to pass Taehyung in order to show identification to even enter into the other side, "Oh, I'm Jaebum, by the way, Im Jaebum. I hope to be seeing you around here more often."

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