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Taehyung rushed back into his space, his heart beating out of his chest. He leaned against the door, his phone clutched against his chest. His breath hitched as he tried to calm himself down, stop himself from crying, and thinking anymore than he already had about Jaewon.

Slowly he looked down at his phone, a cute picture of him and his kookie on the screen ultimately helping with the little panic attack he had. Though the knock on the door nearly made him jump out of his own skin, shakily he opened the door revealing his ex.

"Taehyung, can we please talk?" The guy asks gently, at first the boy was obviously going to refuse any chance at ever talking to him again, but something in his voice had sincerity, one that he hadn't heard in a while. His heart was still beating rapidly, but nonetheless, he moved aside to let him in.

He closed the door slowly, his forehead just barely brushing the door as Jaewon took a seat on the sofa, the lights were still turned off so Taehyung was about to turn it on, "Ah, you don't have to turn it on." The boy said from the other side of the room and Taehyung nodded.

He walked over to sit on the sofa, on the farthest side from Jaewon, his eyes looking no where but his own hands he had balled up on his thighs. The male beside him glanced at him seeing how tense he was to be in the same room as him.

"Taehyung, before I apologize I just want to-" "J-Jaewon, promise me something?" The model asks and his ex-whatever was quick to agree with what he wanted, "I-I'm happy now, after you, I never thought I'd ever be in l-love again, but here I am." Taehyung smiles.

"Tae, I'm so-" he cuts in, but the silver haired boy shakes his head, "Let me finish, Jaewon-ah." The older boy nods, biting back his own tongue to let Taehyung continue, "Promise me after this you won't blackmail me or Kookie, or ever reach out to me again?"

Jaewon's eyebrows scrunch up, some what confused over one part, "Blackmail? When have I ever done that?" He asks, his voice a slightly higher pitch than usual, Taehyung finally looks up at him, "Jaewon, I know you're seokkie on twitter, please stop pretending."

"Did you say seokkie?" He asked and Taehyung nodded his head, now he was the confused one as he waited for Jaewon to elaborate, "That's my sister."

A striking realization struck him, his sister was behind everything, "Taehyung, I need to tell you everything. Right now."

. . . .

"What do you want Eyebrows?" Jungkook asks as he looks down at the dog who growls at him for using the nickname again, "I already gave you food, what else do you want you needy little dog?" He asks sarcastically watching Yeontan spin around in circles.

Jungkook keeps watching the dog spin in circles for a good minute or two, "Are you trying to tell me something, Eyebrows? Hm?" He asks unenthusiastically, but Yeontan starts yapping like crazy, "How does Taehyung put up with you? Holy shi-" The dog stops barking, "What's wrong with you, Eyebrows?"

The dog gave up and walked to the other room leaving Jungkook utterly confused at what the hell just happened.

"I'm here!" Jimin presents himself and walks into the house with Yoongi and Hoseok trailing behind him, his own pets. Jungkook happily runs over to the shorter boy and hugs him, somewhat relieved until one of the two rappers pulled them apart, "I think that's enough."

Jimin laughs as he hooks his arms around Jungkook's and starts walking towards the living room, "So, where's Tannie?"

. . . .

"Y-you're kidding right?" Taehyung asks in a lower tone, if that was even possible, "It's true, my sister was the one that said she saw you with someone else that day," Jaewon tugs at his hair before he took Taehyung's hand, "I was so hurt that I did that." He tells and Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip harshly.

"That day when you caught me, I wasn't myself. I was just so hurt, when I heard, I should've trusted you." Jaewon finishes and Taehyung finally moved his hand out of the olders hands.

"I'm glad you didn't though. If you couldn't believe me then, what kind of fucked up relationship would that have been? Besides, without that little obstacle in my life, I never would have fallen in love with Jungkook."

Speaking of, he looked down at his phone again, seeing that it was nearly 12am. He packed up all his things again and got up to walk towards the door, "I'm going to leave now, my Jungkook is waiting for me, you should leave now too." Taehyung suggests, and as he tries to walk out he was stopped once again.

"I read the letter."

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