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Jin made an effort to look the best he possibly could, even though it wasn't much, considering he is worldwide handsome of course. He just wasn't sure how he should dress since Namjoon so graciously decided that he would keep the location of their date 'top secret'.

He was actually more excited than he would admit, this was his first date in a while and he couldn't be more ecstatic that it was with someone he found extremely adorable though his bad boy image from his group seemed to take over from time to time.

Jin decided to wear something casual yet formal so he was ready to be taken anywhere, he was ready to be swept away by Namjoon.


Jin was definitely no stranger to Namjoon, the older boy has his own YouTube channel, strictly for mukbangs. Namjoon was never really interested in watching other people eat unholy amounts of food, but something about Jin's videos changed that.

He found himself watching video after video trying to figure out what exactly was so intriguing about his content, thats when Jin smiled into the camera and Namjoon's heart skipped a beat.

He was whipped.

Ever since then he'd ever so casually tweet out to him in hopes of getting a reply, but he never succeeded. So you could imagine his surprise when he saw that Jin had reached out to him, because of this, he was sure as hell going to make this the best damn date Jin was ever going to have.

Little did he know that it was going to be more than Jin could have ever asked for.

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