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Direct Message

12:56 PM

when are you getting here?
12:56 PM

i have so much to tell you!
12:56 PM

1:42 PM

2:00 PM

i think i'm going to go now
2:17 PM

Taehyung slightly disheartened from the fact he wasn't going to meet Jungkook, finally got up from his seat at the main area of the huge building to walk out of there. Not before waving goodbye to Jaebum who kindly waved back at him.

Though he wasn't going to meet Jungkook today, there was always tomorrow, he thought to himself. After all, starting tomorrow he is officially a model in training.

The interview process was quite simple after that first portion, he was asked about himself and what he thought about the company, needless to say that the man was quite impressed with not only Taehyung's answers, but definitely his physical appearance as well. The man knew Taehyung was going to make him more money and he was stoked.

After being buttered up to the idea of possibly becoming a model, he signed a 2 year contract, basically giving the company full control of whatever he does starting the next day. It was clear what the man wanted him to stay away from, since he did repeat it about a thousand times, dating and scandals.

It was easy enough, at least he hoped it was.


"And you accepted?!" Jimin yelled excitedly, but quickly placed a hand upon his mouth for they were in public and already causing enough commotion as it was. His eyes were widened to the size of saucers watching Taehyung nod proudly.

Jimin stood up from his seat and clapped proudly, wiping away a fake tear with his finger, "My best friend is all grown up!" Taehyung shushed him and kept waving his hand up and down to try and get Jimin to sit in his seat.

"So I guess I spent four years in college for absolutely no reason." Taehyung mumbled to himself as he thought about all the all nighters he pulled to graduate, even just to pass the class.

"Don't be such a downer!" Jimin smacked Taehyung's shoulder lightly and laughed. "But guess who you get to spend more time with now." He made a suggestive expression and wiggled his eyebrows.

When Taehyung didn't respond, Jimin suddenly stopped doing whatever he was doing and stared the boy dead in the eyes, "Are you really that dense? I'm talking about Jungkook."

Still sour about the fact that Jungkook didn't bother showing up or even replying to him today, he let out a quick nonchalant hum and took a sip of his unsweetened iced tea.

Then Jimin let out a quick gasp again and hit Taehyung a little harder on the arm this time. "Oh my god! What happened? Tell me! Don't keep all the good stuff to yourself, don't be selfish Tae!" He kept giving Taehyung pleading eyes and that's when he gave up and let out a sigh, Jimin always wins.

"We were supposed to meet today, he was literally the one who wanted us to meet, yet he didn't even show up or DM me." Taehyung told and took another sip of his tea while Jimin gave a knowing smile. "You're whipped for him aren't you?"

Taehyung nearly choked on his drink and coughed harshly right after, "I am not whipped for him. Sure, I was a little upset I didn't meet him, but the brat could've at least messaged me y'know?"

Twitter - 4 seconds ago
@/jungkookie✔️ sent you a direct message!

Jimin's eyes traveled down to Taehyung's phone and he smirked, "Hm, speak of the devil."

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