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Jin took it to himself to show up 10 minutes before their date, he sat outside watching people pass him, going on and about their own lives. Time seemed to move slower now as he was getting closer to the time of their meet up.

The weather was kind of cloudy and it seemed as though it was going to rain, which was the only thing he didn't prepare for, so he was just a bit worried. At this point, all he could do was pray that Namjoon was going to show up on time.

It was then when Jin heard the cutest voice calling out for him, he looked up and was met with a bubbly Namjoon who looked like he couldn't contain his excitement.

In all honesty, Namjoon kind of felt like a school girl who finally got to go out with her longtime senior crush. He also happened to show up earlier because he couldn't wait to see Jin's beautiful smile in real life.

He was not disappointed.

"So..." "So..." They chuckled when they spoke the same thing at the same time, Namjoon's lips stretched into a smile his eyes also smiling in the process. Jin took this time to stand up brushing his clothes out as Namjoon watched carefully, clearly awestruck by him.

"You look great, Jin." The older boy laughed as if he knows he looked good. He knew he looked good. "I know, thanks for reminding me." Namjoon blushed heavily not expecting Jin to be so blunt right off the bat and Jin took notice.

The older boy playfully hit Namjoon's shoulder to relieve the tension, "Thank you Namjoon, you don't look too bad yourself." He felt a lump in his throat causing him to not be able to say anything, he was pretty sure that his face was so red right now.

"Joonie, what do you have planned for us tonight?" Jin piped curiously as Namjoon was just taken back from the nickname the older boy just used.

He was definitely whipped.

Namjoon started walking, guiding Jin with him, "So first, I was thinking we can go eat, because I don't know about you, but I'm starving." He told rubbing his stomach to further push his point.

"Let's eat [jin(╹◡╹)]!"

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