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"Are you stupid?" Jimin rolls his eyes as he flicks Jungkook's forehead, the boy hissing at the stinging pain, "He just wanted to go outside." The younger boy frowns and Hoseok walks over behind Jimin, hugging him from behind.

"Baby, can we leave now? We're tired." Jimin nods his head bitterly shooting a cold glare at Jungkook before turning around and putting his hand out to hold Yoongi's hand. [Which his boyfriend took.]

"Bye, Jungkook." Just like that the black haired boy and his two boyfriends disappeared into the night. The boy sat back down on the sofa, completely exhausted from the day, until he heard Yeontan scratching at the door, asking to be let in, "No, not today, Eyebrows."


Taehyung turned back around trying to find Jaewon's eyes in the darkness, he watched as the older man scratched the back of his head, "I ripped that apart, how did you..."

"I found it the next morning, I put it back together and read every single word. I didn't know you feel that way." Jaewon gets up from his seat, striding over to Taehyung who looks like he's trying to keep his cool.

"I don't feel that way, I felt that way. Past tense." Taehyung talks cooly, his heart beating faster when Jaewon starts getting closer. 

Jaewon stops himself and looks at the boy who had himself pushed against the door to get as far away as he could from him. "I won't do anything." The boy laughs calmly, "Unless, that is of course you want me to, but I doubt it. I can see it in your eyes."

Taehyung loosens his stiff body a little and just listens to Jaewon, "When you talk about him, Jungkook, your eyes light up. The same way it did for me a long time ago, but it's not there for me anymore."

The older boy let's out a humorous sigh, "I fucked up, I admit it, because it's true. —But, I won't stand in the way of your happiness. You deserve all the things I couldn't give to you." Taehyung gasps and moves out of the way as Jaewon moves closer to the door.

"Taehyung, I loved you. It wasn't ever an empty meaning, I always meant it." He chuckles, a hint sadness as he opened the door, Taehyung watched Jaewon's back move slightly up and down from his breathing.

Jaewon was about to exit and close the door before one more thought came to mind, "I hope Jungkook treats you the way you deserve to be treated, like you're his everything, his world." With that, the boy left the room, leaving Taehyung to think for a second.

He felt good finally knowing the truth behind their breakup and now all Taehyung wanted to do was go home, cuddle with Jungkook, and never let him go. It wasn't like he was going to let go of him anyways.


"Kookie? Where'd you go?" Taehyung whispered as he stepped into his home, looking all around for his boyfriend, that's when he heard knocking from outside, "Kookie?" When he opened the door he spotted Jungkook outside.

"Taehyung! Thank fuck! Eyebrows is fucking evil." Jungkook runs over to his boyfriend to hug him, but a certain puppy ran towards him from inside the house first, ultimately receiving all of Taehyung's love. He was not jealous of a dog, totally.

Okay, he was jealous of the dog.

Taehyung finished petting the dog and picked Yeontan up with one hand, "Eyebrows?" The older boy laughed and looked at his puppy, yup his eyebrows were undeniably bushy. "Why were you out here anyways?" He asks and Jungkook let out all his bottled up frustration free.

"Fucking Eyebrows locked me out! All I did was kindly open the door because he was scratching at it, but the little bit... dog kept running around in the backyard, so I went out and tried to grab him myself, right?" Taehyung tried to hold in a laugh as he nodded, "He fucking runs in first and the door locks!"

Jungkook stares daggers at the little demon spawn in Taehyung's hands, the little unsuspecting pup sticks his tongue out at him, the singer frustratedly tugs at his hair, "Kookie, Tannie is a dog." He laughs, "There's no way he could do anything like that."

Jungkook's eyes widen as the dog starts cuddling into Taehyung's chest, "T-That thing is not a dog. It's fucking evil." He huffs out in anger and the model puts Yeontan down.

"Okay, Kookie lets go inside now." Taehyung laughs as he stretches out his arm, clenching and unclenching his hand for Jungkook to hold onto. The boy takes it angrily as he stared at the dog, sticking his own tongue out at Tannie, Taehyung was really trying his best not to laugh at him.

"When you're done having a staring contest with my dog, will you join me in bed?" He laughs changing into his pajamas leaving some clothes for Jungkook too. The boy changed into the clothes that was left for him and tossed himself into bed with open arms, waiting for Taehyung to join him.

Nearly a second later, Taehyung crawled into his boyfriends arms and leaned himself into Jungkook's built chest, "I need to tell you something," The model sighed and Jungkook hummed pressing kisses on the boy's forehead, the puppy on the floor watching in distaste.

"I met Jaewon today."

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