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tell me when you're finished today
3:56 PM✓

why? what's up?
3:56 PM

after that little jaewon thing i'm
never leaving here without you again
3:57 PM✓

he didn't deserve to even talk to
you, let alone breathe around you
3:57 PM✓

3:57 PM✓

everything is okay now though.
3:57 PM

he's out of the story,, for good
3:57 PM

taetae, i know, but i feel like i
should've been there to protect you.
3:58 PM✓

i feel guilty.
3:58 PM✓

don't feel that way
3:58 PM

it's not your fault
3:59 PM

besides, tannie really liked
you being there yesterday.
3:59 PM

what that dog liked
was watching me suffer.
3:59 PM✓

fucking evil.
3:59 PM✓

tannie's not evil
4:00 PM

that's what you think
4:00 PM✓

but trust me, that dog
has some bad intentions.
4:00 PM✓

i'll be done at 7, kookie
4:00 PM

i'll be done at 8, so just
come over when you're done!
4:01 PM✓

taetae, i love you to
infinity and beyond♥️
4:01 PM✓

4:01 PM

i love you so so much more♥️
4:01 PM

. . . .

It was finally reaching the end of the day, Taehyung almost finished with his first shoot in a week, they had him model some new clothing since the fall season was fast approaching and he seemed to have a whole lot of popularity built around him lately.

Taehyung watched as the staff in front of him break out into a soft whisper, his ear perking up a little as he tries to get his photo shoot done, but still he couldn't help but feel self conscious when he heard his name being said in their conversations.

"Can I help you?" The silver haired boy asks the two girls who were the conversation initiators, but look taken aback at the fact Taehyung even asked. One of the girl loosely nudges her arm on her friend, making her stumble forward, "D-do you think you can get Jungkook here?"

Taehyung's facial expression softens, making the girl breathe out in relief, "Why?" He simply asks and the girl clears her throat, not even being able to make eye contact with him, "You guys are one of the biggest most talked about couples right now." She explains rather awkwardly, "So what better way to promote our stuff with the hottest couple?"

He nodded slowly at the thought of him and Jungkook having a photoshoot together, a smile appeared on his face when imagining all the cute pictures they'd have together, he couldn't help but agree.

Direct Message

will you come down
here, kookie? 💞💞
6:34 PM✓

woah,, 2 hearts?
6:34 PM

what's going on?
6:34 PM

i want couple pictures. |

they want couple pictures.
6:35 PM✓

they think it'll help
with advertising.
6:35 PM✓

yayayaya,, i'm down
6:36 PM

sounds fun 💞
6:36 PM

i kinda wanted
couple photos tbh.
6:36 PM

i love you so much,,
you have no idea.♥️
6:37 PM✓

. . . .

k-culture news

@/jungkookie and @/taehyung model together! How cute?

@/jungkookie and @/taehyung model together! How cute?

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