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hey taetae ♡
12:56 PM✓

you've seemed off this week.
12:56 PM✓

you good?
12:57 PM✓

yea, m'fine
12:59 PM

doesn't feel like it
1:00 PM✓

said i'm fine
1:00 PM✓

right... sorry
1:00 PM✓

is that all or?
1:01 PM✓

oh! right!
1:01 PM✓

do you want to have
lunch with me today?
1:02 PM✓

like a date?
1:02 PM

no? lol. just a lunch.
1:03 PM✓

right, uh.
1:03 PM

can i take a rain check?
1:03 PM

oh, are you busy?
1:04 PM✓

kinda, sorry
1:04 PM

that's fine!
1:05 PM✓

we can have lunch
together next time!
1:05 PM✓

don't worry :')
1:05 PM✓

sure, yea
1:06 PM

i love you — 💞

. . . .

"Jungkook-ssi, what's wrong?" Jaebum asks as he places two salads down on the round table and takes a seat next the singer. He watched as Jungkook gnaws on his bottom lip, clearly bothered by something.

Jaebum is smart, he's extremely keen on picking up small details, and if anything he's the most level headed person that works there.

So he smirked when he pushed one of the salads over to the younger boy, stabbing his own salad with a fork and chewing on it rather loudly. "So, not gonna answer me, huh?"

The office attendant continues eating, even so when he heard Jungkook whimper out a little bit, "Something's off. So off." He confides in Jaebum, as he continued staring at his message that had been left on seen, yet again.

It's been a week since Taehyung had said or even texted back anything that wasn't just straight to the point. The older boy had only recently started calling him by his name again, instead of Kookie like he had been doing for a while now. So yeah, it kinda hurt. All he could ask himself was what was he doing wrong?

Maybe he said something or did something wrong that caused this, or maybe he was just having an off week, but it still sucked that Taehyung wouldn't talk to him about the problems he's been going through lately. Whatever it actually was.

"What's off? You can tell me anything." Jaebum says as he continued eating, but Jungkook just shook his head, dismissing the man's attempt to help, "Nothing. Nothing at all." the singer stood up from his seat, a phone in his hand and leaving the food and the very curious Jaebum alone at the table.

He wanted to go see Taehyung, he needed to know what was wrong with his boyfriend...? He didn't know either.

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