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Direct Message

don't worry, kookie!
9:20 PM✓

i'll be fine!
9:20 PM✓

just please go to my
house and feed tannie?
9:21 PM✓

you got it, baby 💞
9:21 PM

i just have to talk
with the new models.
9:21 PM✓

it shouldn't take
more than an hour.
9:22 PM✓

anything else, hottie?
9:22 PM

can you stay at my house?
9:22 PM✓

oh? why? does tannie get scared?
9:23 PM

i'm tired of cuddling with a pillow,
i want to cuddle with you |

yeah,, that little fluff ball
isn't as tough as he seems.
9:23 PM✓

9:23 PM✓

okay, that's fine!
9:24 PM

and when you come back
maybe i can cuddle with you again.
9:24 PM

i liked it last time.
9:25 PM

sounds perfect ♥️
9:25 PM✓

see you later, baby♥️
9:26 PM

jungkookie✔️see you later, baby♥️9:26 PM

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9:26 PM

9:26 PM✓

why tf, i thought we agreed to
not send memes of each other.
9:27 PM✓

you're so cute
9:27 PM

i couldn't resist
9:27 PM

oh, quick question
9:28 PM

where do you keep tannie's food?

. . . .

Taehyung's phone dropped out of his hand as he bumped into someone's shoulder, while too preoccupied texting Jungkook. He bowed down and apologized to the person before he tried to pick up his phone, praying that it didn't crack, but the stranger somehow beat him to it.

"Here, you should be careful next time." The man stretches his arm out trying to hand the phone back to the boy, but he couldn't move. The height, the hair, the tattoo, his voice, was just as he remembered, it was...


A girl calls out from behind, making her way over to the two boys, the hallways were fairly dark considering that the building pretty much uses only natural light and not many people stay there late enough for that to be a problem, so she couldn't exactly pinpoint who was standing in front of her brother.

The male turns around to see his sister coming down the darker hallway, "I'm sorry, Jaewon. I was so busy I couldn't reply to your messa-... Kim Taehyung?" She stops in her tracks and her younger brother suddenly looks back at the male in front of him, with a small heartbroken gasp Jaewon leans down so he could see his face,

"Taehyung? Is that really you?" The model never actually thought he'd come face to face with Jaewon ever again, but he knew he couldn't cry, at least not in front of him.

"Are you actually crying? You're so fucking pathetic."

Taehyung finally mustered up the courage to snatch his phone back and walk past them, Jaewon was about to go after him when Su-Jeong grabbed onto his shirt, "Let the bitch go, he ruined you." She rolled her eyes and started to try and walk off the other way. He stayed silent for a second pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

"The only bitch here is you," Jaewon snaps at her all while trying his best to keep his eyes concentrated on Taehyung who starts getting further and further away from him, "I need to find him."

As he walks off in the same direction as his.... whatever he was, Su-Jeong feels like her head was about to explode from all the anger, "I've been taking care of you since he dumped you! Now you're running back to the problem?!" She yells and Jaewon merely ignores her words as he continued walking.


"Eyebrows? Where'd you go?" Jungkook does a small whistle as he looks for the small teacup pomeranian, "Come out for daddy?" He whistled again and this time the little dog emerged from Taehyung's room.

He sat down on the couch as the little dog joined him, looking up at the singer with his huge eyes, his bushy eyebrows, and a tongue sticking out of his mouth as if he were mocking Jungkook. The boy chuckled as he watched Yeontan lay down, pressing his little body against the boy's thigh.

"I just realized," Jungkook looked down at the sleepy dog and smiled, "You and Taehyung have really similar eyebrows." He cackled, but he could've sworn Yeontan growled at him, a little taken aback he scooted away from the dog and checked his phone.

Still no messages from Taehyung, "Weird," the boy mumbled, "Guess your other daddy doesn't want to tell me where your food is." He told, but Yeontan jumped up and started walking off, Jungkook just watched the until he started barking at him.

Jungkook pointed at himself, looking around to make sure that it was him and Yeontan barked again, he got up but sat down immediately when he finally got a text back from his boyfriend.

Direct Message

cabinet above the microwave.
9:39 PM

i'll be home a little later
than i thought, if that's okay?
9:39 PM

of course that's fine!
9:40 PM✓

tannie and i will get aquatinted.
9:40 PM✓

As Jungkook typed the message, the dog leaped onto his lap, staring at him intimidatingly making the singer gulp in fear.

see you later kookie ♥️
9:40 PM

bye, taetae♥️
9:41 PM✓

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