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"You did what?" Jimin shoves Taehyung causing him to stumble backwards hitting Jin in the process. "I had to block him! Unless you're fine with sending my ass out of the country again!" Dropping the news rather suddenly, it throws both Jimin and Jin off guard.

"Wait! What do you mean by 'sending you outta the country'. You're leaving again? You just got back." Jimin wails around and runs over to Taehyung to cling onto him.

"Well... PD-nim says if he sees me even talking to him he won't hesitate to ship me off again." The boy scratches the back of his head and Jimin launches himself onto Taehyung.

Jin nods, trying to listen in the best he could as he sends the tea to Namjoon.

Direct Message

it's so sad, really :((
8:23 PM✓

what happened now?
8:24 PM

jungkook and taehyung
finally confessed to each other.
8:25 PM✓

that's good then.
8:25 PM

8:25 PM

i wish, but their contracts
won't allow them to date.
8:25 PM✓

neither will their boss.
8:25 PM✓

how much longer are their contracts?
8:26 PM

i think another year.
8:26 PM✓

okay, since they cant
quit under their contracts...
8:26 PM

if they don't sign the next one
they'd basically be freelancers.
8:27 PM

but then they'd technically have no jobs.
8:27 PM✓

i've been talking to yoongi
and hoseok about this but...
8:28 PM

we're thinking about leaving our company
8:28 PM

what? are you serious?
8:28 PM✓

and you didn't tell me?
8:29 PM✓

need i remind you
that i'm your boyfriend?
8:29 PM✓

it wasn't all decided yet!1!1!
8:29 PM

but we were thinking about
starting our own company.
8:29 PM

i guess we just got tired of
not being able to be ourselves.
8:30 PM

baby 💞
8:30 PM✓

i think we're going
to actually do it now.
8:30 PM

we were worried about not
having anyone to sign with us.
8:31 PM

but if we can get jungkook
and taehyung to sign with us...
8:31 PM

all of the problems we had with
starting it up would literally be solved.
8:31 PM

baby, you're a genius
8:31 PM✓

i love your sexy brain.
8:32 PM✓

i don't have an IQ of
148 for nothing you know.
8:32 PM

i love you 💞
8:32 PM

i love you more 💓
8:33 PM✓

in order for this to succeed
we need you to tell the boys
not to sign their contracts next year.
8:34 PM

tell them cypher is
starting their own company.
8:34 PM

and that we want them to join.
8:34 PM

what does jimin do?
8:35 PM

nothing, he works at a café.
8:35 PM✓

i want him to sign with us too.
8:35 PM

i've heard him sing
when he was here visiting.
8:35 PM

i want you to sign on too.
8:36 PM

you'd be perfect and you've
said you wanted to get into acting.
8:36 PM

you don't have to convince me.
8:36 PM✓

i'm already with
you, no matter what.
8:36 PM✓

alright. cypher entertainment is a go.
8:37 PM

i'll tell yoongi and hoseok!

"What? You think it'll work?" Taehyung's eyes widened upon hearing the great news Jin had just given him. The oldest nodded without any doubt running through his mind, he was confident in Namjoon and he knew that he would definitely succeed.

"A-and he really thinks I'm good enough to be a singer?" Jimin asks astonishingly, he knew he was good, but not good enough for a celebrity to comment on it. Jin nodded again, as the boy tried his best to hold back a toothy grin.

"Jimin," Taehyung runs his hand on the older boy's arm, "Can you tell all of this to Jungkook? We need to see if he's on board first." And Jimin jumped right out of his seat, not even needing any further explanation before running out of the room to find Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" Jimin sprinted around the hallways of the large building looking for the younger boy, he was so just so excited to be given an opportunity he'd never believed he had the chance to have. So he wanted to find the boy quickly.

Jimin kept running around until he blindly hit someone on the shoulder, him and the other person falling to the ground, he was about to apologize, but that was until he saw who it was, "Jungkook!" He screamed out in happiness, "Finally! I have so much to-... oh, are you okay?"

Jungkook rubbed his back, glaring at the apologetic boy, "Watch where you're going, would ya?" He yelled angrily, making Jimin cower at his tone instinctively "This isn't a damn playground." Jungkook sneered getting back on his feet, looking down at Jimin who was looking up at him.

"M'sorry." Jimin mumbles quietly as the younger boy stretches a hand towards the boy on the ground, "No, I'm sorry." Jungkook sighs out, Jimin taking his hand as he stands back up, "I'm in a really pissy mood, if it wasn't obvious." He chuckles, Jimin reluctantly chuckles with him.

"What were you doing running around here anyways?" He asks and the hopeful glint in Jimin's eyes return, replacing the wary look on his face with a genuine smile, "I know how you can get Taehyung back."

honestly, i really wanted to end it at the last chapter, but they've been through so much, i wanted to give them a happy ending. btw, this is the longest chapter i've written in this book.

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