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Direct Message

oh mY god
5:49 PM✓

you didn't accept the job?
5:49 PM✓

taehyung whyyyy?
5:50 PM✓

i couldn't take a job knowing i was
only going to get hired because you asked.
5:53 PM

didn't seem right to me...
5:53 PM

but taeeee :'(((
5:53 PM✓

i never got to see you.
5:53 PM✓

now i probably never will.
5:54 PM✓

5:55 PM

anyways i'm sorry about today.
5:56 PM✓

it's fine, i got the spam of
messages you couldn't send.
5:56 PM

all at once, lol. and i
completely understand.
5:56 PM

how was cypher?
5:56 PM

they were cool, i guess.
5:56 PM✓

you guess?
5:57 PM

yea, i couldn't really concentrate
5:57 PM✓

awe, what happened?
5:57 PM

i couldn't stop
thinking about you
5:57 PM✓

and how you
look in person.
5:57 PM✓

what you sound like.
5:58 PM✓

idk, i was just kinda
looking forward to seeing you
5:58 PM✓

where are you right now?
5:58 PM

5:58 PM✓

yes kookie, right now.
5:58 PM

i'm in the dance
studio with a few people.
5:58 PM✓

5:58 PM✓

which one?
5:58 PM

the one on the top floor?
5:58 PM✓

taehyung, you're freaking me out.
5:58 PM✓

what's going on?

. . . .

Taehyung put his phone away as he got into the the elevator to go to the top floor of the building. As the people around him were coming in and out, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest again. He never thought he'd be so nervous to meet Jungkook in real life, yet he was.

After seeing the first message, Jimin went crazy and told him that if he didn't go surprise Jungkook, he'd stop talking to him forever. At first Taehyung didn't take it all too seriously, so Jimin's silent treatment started a lot faster, needless to say that his friends tactic worked like a charm, considering he was back at the company for the second time today.

It was just a few floors away and he was now the only person left in the elevator, Taehyung could feel his phone vibrating in his back-pocket assuming that it was a panicked Jungkook just trying to get some answers from him.

When the elevator dinged, it took a few seconds for it to open completely, and when it did, he finally stepped out of the large machine, hearing faint music from down the hall and can only assume that it's the dance studio. So he glided through the long halls, following the sound of the trending pop music.

He found it, before he could even think about possibly stepping a foot in there, he glanced in to see two people dancing to the music and the person he knew as Jungkook sitting on the floor with his thumbs frantically typing away.

He now knew that it was definitely Jungkook who was sending him messages, his phone was still vibrating like crazy as each second passed.

Taehyung smiled as he stepped in with all his confidence, which wasn't much, but he was still proud of himself for being able to walk in. The girl and the boy duet who were dancing, still continued to do so as they watched Taehyung through the mirror in a weird manner, wondering who the hell he was.

Jungkook was so caught up in what he was doing he failed to hear or even see anyone walk in, but he felt his heart beat about a million times faster when he felt a pair of arms loosely wrap around his waist from behind, long legs beside his, and a deep voice making itself known beside his ear, "Hey Kookie."

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