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hey! are you okay?
11:56 AM✓

i thought you weren't
coming into work today.
11:56 AM✓

you didn't even say hi to me.
11:57 AM✓

yea, i'm perfectly fine
11:57 AM

i promise.
11:57 AM

i'm sorry.
11:58 AM

(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
11:59 AM✓

okay, well that's good.
11:59 AM✓

glad you're fine!
11:59 AM✓

i love you 💞

. . . .

"Jimin, baby boy! Welcome back!" Hoseok greets the boy with open arms, the blonde smiles as he falls into his embrace, squeaking when the slightly older boy picks him up and spins him around, it lasted about 10 seconds, "Put him down!"

Yoongi smiles widely seeing his boyfriends cuddled up together, but was replaced by a slight frown, "You're late." He deadpans and Jimin already shows an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, I had my annual movie marathon with Jin and Taehyung yesterday. I woke up late."

Yoongi pinches Jimin's cheek causing him to groan out cutely, "Hyung, stop~" he continued to whine and Hoseok pulls him away from the oldest, "Let's go, Namjoon and Jin are probably already at the amusement park."

Jimin walks between his hyungs, hands holding both of theirs as they walk over to the black car, "Isn't that like super dangerous though? There's probably so many people there today..." the boy mumbles.

"No, we 'rented' it out for the day. Just us, baby." Yoongi grins as the three of them get into the car, the ride was about an hour long consisting of lots of kisses on the cheeks and talk about what they wanted to do once they got to the empty amusement park.

Jimin pretty much resembled an overly excited toddler at Disneyland, which was exactly what he was, spotting Jin, he ran over ready to yell at him for not waking him up this morning even though they were supposed to meet up at the same time.

The boy stopped right in front of him, bent over slightly so he could catch his breath, and before he even said a single word, Jin already knew, "I tried, but you wouldn't budge."

"Try harder next time!" Jimin yelled feeling an arm snake around his thin waist from one side and a voice from the other side, "Try what harder next time?" Yoongi asks in a suggestive tone, playfully wiggling his eyebrows, Jimin figures he was trying to reference... oh, that.

"Nothing." Jimin dismisses the topic, shaking Hoseoks grip off and walking towards the entrance of the theme park himself.

The others follow Jimin from behind, Namjoon and Jin hand in hand while Yoongi and Hoseok walk side by side figuring out who was going to be doing what with the adorably bubbly blonde.

"That!" Namjoon points happily, Jin and Hoseok can feel their souls leaving their bodies when following their gaze from the rappers pointer finger, "N-no Namjoon, no." The oldest boy pretty much begs, but Namjoon was oh-so determined to go through it.

Then there they were, in a haunted house that takes literally an hour to complete, from the moment Jin stepped into the haunted building, he's clung onto Namjoon's arm, the thought of letting go of him not once crossing his mind.

The other three was quite similar, though Yoongi was the stronger one when it came to things like this. Anytime something would jump out at them, their grip would only get tighter. Hoseok was literally digging his face into Yoongi's neck at this point.

Jimin occasionally tried to scare back the employees dressed up as different ghosts and zombies by growling back or merely just screaming back, giving them a cold glare as they passed by them.

He was happy to see what he was doing was succeeding since none of the employees screamed or yelled when Jimin looked at them angrily. If the employees were being honest, Jimin just looked like a mad puppy which made them swoon over him, forgetting to do their job. (me, if i was working there)

"Namjoon-ah, I'll never forgive you for th-... ahhhh!" Jin screamed when yet another ghost with the same long hair touched his shoulder, Namjoon looked at his boyfriend weirdly, genuinely not knowing why he was screaming. "Why are you yelling, Jinnie?" He asks.

Jin literally looks at Namjoon like he's about to beat him up, "Look at that person!" the older  points to the person behind all of his yelling, but his boyfriend just laughs, "Jinnie, baby, that's not funny." He holds Jin closer to him, "Stop messing around, there's no one there."

Okay, it was safe to say Jin lost his shit, he full on panicked as he jumped onto Namjoon's back, "We need to get the fuck out now." Jin commands as he tightens his arms and legs around Namjoon.

The older boy was shaking harshly in fear and his boyfriend was just giving himself a high five. He saw the person, but seeing his boyfriend needing him so much made him feel happy, so he was not going to let Jin know that the person was real.

He just wanted to prove a point to his boyfriend. That point being that he'd always be there to protect Jin.

After an hour of pure hell, the couples met up outside, Jin and Jimin both with tear-stained cheeks, Hoseok looking like he just logged out of life, the only to sane people were Namjoon and Yoongi, who were still trying to comfort their boyfriends.

"Guys," Jin talked as he gulped thinking about his experience in there, "You guys saw that person with the long hair right?" He asked shakily, but to his demise, everyone shook their head no. He could've fainted right then and there, "Never again, Joonie. Never. Again."

. . . .

Direct Message

do you want a souvenir?
5:24 PM✓

no, i'm fine
5:24 PM

oh man, you're missing out
5:24 PM✓

i bet. have fun.

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