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"Taehyung-ssi!" Jaebum runs from his little space at the information center and gives him a huge hug, "You've been gone for so long!" He stresses, "You haven't said anything! Don't tell me you forgot to speak your own language!"

Jaebum laughed and pulling away from the stiff boy noticing the sad glint in his eyes, "Oh no, what's wrong?" The older boy asks, running his hands against Taehyung's back soothingly.

"I'm fine, really." The model suggests, but Jaebum was quick to pick up on Taehyung's tell offs, the small lip bite and the way he darts his eyes to the ground immediately after he finishes telling a lie.

The older boy can't help but smirk as he pulls Taehyung off with him into a different room. "You can tell me." Jaebum offers a smile and now the model couldn't help but sit in silence and recollect himself. He had been holding his emotions in ever since he had gotten on the plane from Japan.

"J-Jungkook," he choked on his words, and before Jaebum reached his hands out to comfort the boy, he texted someone rather quickly, now giving Taehyung his full attention.

"What about him?" He asked Taehyung who was on the brink of crying in front of him, "He hurt me. So bad, I never got to tell him-." The door clicked slightly, loud enough for only Jaebum to hear while Taehyung was only able to concentrate on what exactly he wanted to say.

The person at the door could only stay frozen at the sight he was presented with. "Tell him what, Taehyung?" He asked trying to hold in the cutest smile.

"That I think I love him. No, I love him. I know I do. He never once left my mind, even when I was an ocean away." He finally let a tear slip when he felt Jaebum's comforting hand on his shoulder disappear.

"What the fuck TaeTae? W-why didn't you just tell me that, you idiot?" The person at the door sobbed, running over to hang onto Taehyung and never let him go, "You're the idiot, h-how could I have told you when you were so happy with her?"

Jaebum took this as his cue to leave, he left the room unnoticed, fairly excited over how things turned out.

"I d-did that for you." Jungkook cried nudging his head into Taehyung's neck to get closer to him as he possibly could, "I-I dated her for you."

"How was that for me? Because you succeeded if your goal was to hurt me and make a fool out of me." Taehyung tried hard to keep his tears from falling, but he couldn't. They were both a complete mess at this point, but they didn't care.

"So you could succeed! I-I wanted you to do well and you did! With me in the way, there's no way you could've accomplished all these things!" Jungkook stated it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, however one thing left Taehyung baffled.

"Then why'd you leak the messages?"

Jungkook hugged Taehyung tighter before pulling away a little bit so he could see eye to eye.

Taehyung's heart nearly shattered when he saw Jungkook's eyes all puffed up and red from the crying, his lips red and abused from trying to hold in his small hiccups, "I-I couldn't b-be with her anymore. It w-wasn't the same." He told, "It wasn't the same as when I was with you."

get you a jaebum. he basically fixed this whole thing, lmao

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