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The silver haired boy just had a dream about coming face to face with Jaewon and he was terrified.

He hadn't even thought about him in a long time, so him appearing in a dream came off as a surprise. A bad one at that, so he was better off calling it a nightmare instead.

A cold wave traveled up his spine, a few beads of sweat running down his forehead. The fact that Taehyung could still hear his voice as clear as day made him feel sick, his stomach felt kind of weird, really, it was truly indescribable.

The second he turned to the side, he saw that neither Jin or Jimin was with him anymore, but instead was replaced by Jungkook who sat in the chair beside him. His upper body was resting on the bed as he himself was asleep.

Taehyung snorts when he heard Jungkook's light snores, thinking how incredibly cute he was even when doing such a simple thing like sleeping. Still, his heart skipped a beat looking at his face.

"So, how long are you going to stare at me?" Taehyung looked away immediately after, Jungkook softly laughing as he began to sit upright in his chair. While his eyes were still closed he gave the older boy a whole hearted smile.

The boy blushed as Jungkook got up and onto the bed to sit at the end of it. The pair merely stared at each other until the younger boy reached his hand out to grab Taehyung's. The hand he was holding felt weak, almost powerless against his own.

They had been quiet this whole time, until Taehyung looked away, the water in his eyes clouding up his vision second by second, he dared not to blink so none of it would spill out.

Jungkook let go of the boy's hand to crawl over closer and cup his face in his hands to move their gazes back to each other's. He coos when he sees his glossy eyes, tilting his head the side lightly to examine his face a little bit more.

Taehyung grabs his phone with one hand, the other swatting away Jungkook's hold on his face. He sniffled a little as he typed.

Direct Message

can i ask a few questions?
8:17 PM✓

sure, didn't you already?
8:17 PM

besides why are we texting?
8:17 PM

it's embarrassing, kookie
8:18 PM✓

okay, let's hear it.
8:18 PM

can i cry in front of you?
8:18 PM✓

. . . .

"Tae! Of course!" Jungkook cooed again, "Don't ever be ashamed of your feelings. Okay?" He says, and instead of a reply Taehyung starts to cry again, the younger boy immediately patting the crying boy's back.

Direct Message

can you cuddle with me?
8:20 PM✓

. . . .

Jungkook glances down at the message and smiles, his eyes crinkle up again as his smile deepens, showing just how genuinely happy he is at the moment. Without a single word he laid down on the bed and opened his arms for Taehyung to get into.

After a while, Taehyung looked up at him and Jungkook looked down at him.

In Jungkook's mind, he was wondering how someone could be so perfect, even if he was crying, it just showed that he was a real person with real emotions.

Another tear falls out of Taehyung's eyes, but this time, Taehyung's eyes flutter shut when Jungkook kissed his tear away. "You're perfect y'know? I really love you." He plays with the boys silver hair, twirling strands on his fingers.

Jungkook gives the boy a small kiss on his cheek again and smiles when the Taehyung hugs him back, "Tae-ah," he laughs, but really his heart was beating out of chest because of how nervous he was for what was about to happen. Taehyung looked up again worriedly, noticing himself just how fast Jungkook's heart was beating against his own.

The boy sighs out before chuckling at himself for being such a coward, but he was ready. He wanted Taehyung to know just how much he loved him, and that he was nothing like Jaewon, so with another deep breath he asked.

"Will you officially be my boyfriend?"


lololol, i suck at writing real chapters.

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