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Jungkook's phone slipped out of his hands as Taehyung kept his arms around him, the younger boy's eyelids fluttered open ever-so-gently, "Tae?" his voice asked a bit shaky due to the unexpected embrace.

The older boy hummed in acknowledgement as he placed his head down on Jungkook's shoulder, when the younger came to his senses, he quickly scooted  away from Taehyung and turned back to face the cute boy he's so desperately wanted to meet for weeks on end.

His heart was pounding against his chest again, this time, it was stronger than the ones he had experienced before. Jungkook ignored it though, instead of worrying about about it, he decided to cling onto Taehyung, he couldn't help himself. "Can't believe you're here." He smiled into the older boy's neck.

The girl and the boy who were dancing with each other gave a quick look at the embraced boy's before snapping a picture and leaving them alone.

"I work here now." Taehyung laughed holding Jungkook back just as tightly, "They want me to work as a model." The younger was just happy that he was finally able to meet the boy who had been lingering in his mind for far too long.

As Jungkook pulled himself off of Taehyung, he sat there for a good minute just admiring how perfect Taehyung actually is, his heart did a thing for about the millionth time this week.

"Tae," Jungkook nervously took the older boy's hand and placed it firmly against his heart that was beating significantly faster than the average persons. "This happens anytime you do something, why is this happening to me?" He asked warily looking down at the olders hand that was still in its place, against his chest.

Taehyung looked at his face, getting caught off guard when Jungkook's eyes meets his, getting flustered, he pulled his arm back towards him and shrugged, "I-I don't know. I don't think I can help." He tried to respond coolly, but ultimately failed when he stuttered on the first word.

Jungkook nodded at that and ended up sitting awkwardly in front of Taehyung, who couldn't help but hug him again, the younger boy accepting and returning the same. "Oh, right!" He chirps out, "Did you still want to hear the demo I have with cypher?"

Taehyung's eyes widen upon hearing his favorite rap groups name, without any hesitation he shook his head, making the younger laugh cutely. The two stood up from the floor, Jungkook's hands entangled in Taehyung's as he leads him to his studio.


Direct Message

hey jin, sorry
about that whole mixup.
5:32 AM✓

i didn't know how much
it blew out of proportion.
5:32 AM✓

maybe if it's okay with
you, we can go on another date?
5:32 AM✓

it's okay, joonie
5:36 AM

sorry i didn't give you
a chance to explain it.
5:36 AM

yea, lol. you even
blocked my ass.
5:36 AM✓

were you that mad?
5:36 AM✓

5:36 AM

oh, uh.
5:36 AM✓

i was that upset.
5:36 AM

and i hate myself for it
5:37 AM

how much i like you...
5:37 AM

what if we were dating?
5:37 AM

how much worse would i
have acted about this news?
5:37 AM

5:37 AM✓

i'm sorry. i'm just
talking nonsense again.
5:37 AM

jin! you're wonderful.
5:38 AM✓

i NEED to meet you today.
5:38 AM✓

are you free today?
5:38 AM✓

i'm actually filming today.
5:38 AM

oh, that's fine.
5:38 AM✓

it can wait.
5:38 AM✓

actually, do you
want to be in my video?
5:39 AM

yES! omfg.
5:39 AM✓

5:40 AM

come by around 1:00
5:40 AM

i'll send you my
address in a minute!
5:41 AM

can't wait!
5:41 AM✓


. . . .

The hearts on his screen made him question his sanity. What was Jin doing to his poor soul? Whatever it was, he didn't mind, the elder could take it and never give it back for all he cares.

He was extremely whipped.

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