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Logging off of the account for the day, the person was quite happy with how much money could come out of this for a simple picture that was taken at the place this person works at. It was too easy, especially since it wasn't like Jungkook and Taehyung exactly kept their relationship a secret around the company.

The person only knew what kind of backlash the couple would get if this were to come out, so that $2000 was practically in the bag with no effort whatsoever.

Sure the person was potentially ruining their reputation and hurting them in the long run, but the person could never forgive Kim Taehyung for what he had done.

Kim Taehyung ruined her brother.

"Su-Jeong! What are you doing all alone in there?" A male asks from behind the door, she stressfully slammed her laptop and put all visible evidence before getting up and opening the door and only sticking her head out.

With a fake smile she nods, "I'll be right there to train the new models, don't worry!" As her coworker nodded and walked away, she looked down the hallway to watch him leave, only to see Jungkook and Taehyung walking down together.

Seeing the worried look on Taehyung's face made everything she was doing totally worth it, she was going to make him suffer the same way he made her brother suffer, this was all for Jaewon.


"Jungkook, are you sure it's a good idea? To do this now? 2 weeks before we leave?" The boy takes a sip of his green tea and sits down at the outside balcony on the particularly cloudy day, and to be honest, it kind of reflected how the pair felt. Dark and gloomy.

Jungkook took a sip of his banana milk and looked up to face the gray sky, watching the plane fly and disappear into the clouds, sighing right after.

"We can't let that person win, why do they get money because we love each other?" The boy asks completely flabbergasted, "How fucked up is that?"

Taehyung sucks on his teeth in thought, swirling the bottle of green tea in one hand, trying to distract himself from what's actually happening. "I just don't know if I'm ready to go through what Jin hyung went through." He explains, "He went through hell for months!"

The boy beside him agreed, but he wasn't going to give up on the idea, "Tae, he was happy though, remember?" The model raises an eyebrow and Jungkook takes that as his cue to continue, "Sure, he went through hell, but he wasn't alone. He had, I mean has Namjoon. They made it out alive!"

Taehyung had to admit to himself that it was true, Jin and Namjoon only became stronger after going through it together, and they were more in love than before. Maybe it was exactly what the pair needed, not the hate, but each other's love, they didn't need anybody else's but their own.

The singer leans in towards Taehyung to whisper into his ear, "Besides, you don't have to worry. Like you said, we only have 2 weeks left, maybe with this scandal we can leave earlier." With that he moved himself back into his own seat, tossing the empty bottle of banana milk into the trash can.

"Only if you want to do that, of course." He finishes and that was all it took to convince the older boy, with a nod, Taehyung grabbed Jungkook by his wrist bringing them face to face, the younger boy looks at him innocently through his big brown doe eyes, waiting for whatever Taehyung was going to say or do.

With a quick kiss on Jungkook's pink lips, Taehyung's box grin makes an appearance as he hugs him, "Let's do this, Kookie. Let's tell the world."

Direct Message

screw you. do what you want.
7:23 PM✓


bet y'all forgot about who su-jeong is and what she told tae, "She warned him." also, she's jaewon's sister, lololol.

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