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"And...." Jungkook smiles taking a packet of papers from a desk, Taehyung also taking a packet of papers too, "We're officially free!" The pair rip up the papers and throw them away. Jungkook's dad frowning in a mix of disappointment and sadness.

"Jungkook-ah, I'm sorry." His dad stresses as he takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry I pushed you so far as an employee, I forgot to treat you like my son." Jungkook looks at his dad with wary eyes and a heavy heart.

It was no secret that Jungkook's father hadn't always been the best male figure in his life, everyone had their flaws, but today was all about new beginnings. Why not tie loose ends?

"Dad, it's fine. Without what you did, I wouldn't have met Tae." Taehyung laughs incredulously before clinging onto his boyfriend, "I finally get to do what I want and you're letting me. Thank you."

His dad smiles weakly at the sight of his son and his boyfriend all cuddled up, he walks over to the pair and hugs them both. "Do great things." With everything said and done, he lets go and watches the two boys leave his office.

Direct Message

are you both coming over?
11:29 AM

yea,, we'll be there in an hour
11:32 AM✓

did jimin and jin already sign?
11:32 AM✓

no, they want to wait
until taehyung gets here
11:33 AM

ah,, okay we'll try to get
there as soon as possible
11:33 AM✓

. . . .

K-culture News✔️

@/taehyung and @/jungkookie officially left their company and are planning on joining cypher!

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