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"J-Jimin -fuck- your phone, -f-fuck-" Hoseok pants as Jimin has his mouth around his length, when he hums, he sends shivers up the olders spine, making him moan out in pure pleasure.

Yoongi frustratedly and repeatedly moves himself in and out of Jimin's warm heat, he moves faster and sloppier, hitting Jimin's prostate each time as he tries to drown the noise of Jimin's loud ringtone out."S-shit, Jimin, you feel so good. Taking me so well, baby boy."


You see, the story of how they ended up coming together to have sex was simple. It was all talk and no action. To rephrase that, they merely had gotten tired of only texting about doing that stuff to each other and they ended up truly wanting to experience it.

So they made a plan to meet up at Yoongi's house, somewhere secluded so they wouldn't be caught by anyone. The last thing Yoongi and Hoseok needed were more rumors surfacing about them dating, not only that, but a third party, namely Jimin, would stir things up even more, they couldn't risk it.


Jimin moves his mouth off to move his tongue up and down Hoseok's shaft, running it through the slit which was currently leaking with pre-cum. With that, Jimin let out an ear-piercing erotic moan making the two older boy's even more turned on.

The youngest boy moved up to capture Hoseok's lips with his own, while he involuntarily grinded his hard on against the boys erection due to Yoongi who was still mindlessly thrusting into him as he gripped onto Jimin's thin waist.

"Jimin, baby boy, -fuck- could do this forever." Though Yoongi didn't know forever was literally 2 seconds later when Jimin's phone started ringing for the third time, enough was enough. Yoongi pulled out and Jimin crawled over to his phone.


He laid flat on his back as he picked up the phone, Yoongi and Hoseok now continuing to pleasure each other right next to him, "Hey! What's up, Tae?"

"Jimin-ah, Jin is going live with RM! Hurry up! Watch it, it's deadass about to start in like 2 minutes." Taehyung informed only to hang up right after that small message which left Jimin scurrying around Yoongi's room for his clothes.

Yoongi looked over to the side continuing his little rendezvous with Hoseok, "fuck, Jimin, what are you doing?" He asked watching the boy put on his clothes, Hoseok looked over to him too, waiting for his answer.

Jimin slipped his shirt back on, testing their patience with how long he was taking to answer Yoongi's question, "RM is going live with Jin." He spoke nonchalantly putting on the livestream and walking out of the bedroom.

The boy's left in bed reach their climax and lay next to each other until they came to a burning realization, Jimin said RM was going live with Jin, eatjin. If anything happens on screen they'd be in the center of unwanted publicity instead, they couldn't have that.

As they got themselves put together, they rushed out of the rooms like teenagers running towards food, in order to watch the livestream.

"Quick!" Yoongi yelled, "Connect it to the tv!" Hoseok and Yoongi take a seat on either side of Jimin watching the stream.

"Hey guys! It's me Jin and today I have a super special guest, Joon-... RM!"

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