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"I'm so sorry it was closed." The pair walked side by side, Namjoon particularly sadder than Jin as his attempt at a fancy dinner was a complete bust. Jin didn't actually know how much effort Namjoon tried to put into this one day, he just wanted to make a great first impression. (ya feel?)

"It's not your fault, Namjoon. Actually, I know there's a street fair around here somewhere. Do you want to go there instead?" The boy asked making Namjoon feel like maybe this whole evening wasn't actually a screw up.

So that's exactly where they headed towards, laughing and smiling about little stories they told about themselves to get to know each other better. After each story they found themselves wanting to know more about each other.

The both of them purchased their dinner and headed over to the park to sit and eat together, "So wait. You're telling me you lost your passport after landing?" Jin asked almost cackling at how Namjoon was telling the story.

"Yea," Namjoon replied as he tried to swallow his noodles faster so he could give Jin an actual answer, "So what had happened was we were getting off right?" Jin nodded as he played with his food,

"- And we were gathering everything, it was then when I realized 'where the hell did I put my passport? I honestly had a panic attack." Namjoon told as he clutched his heart making Jin laugh at how adorable he was.

"But like, how do you misplace something so important?" Jin asked as they settled down from that little moment. "I don't even know." The older boy nodded again as he looked back down at his food, "You know?" Namjoon started back up again, "If you became mine I'd never lose you."

Jin blushed furiously before laughing it off, "That was so smooth, I don't even know what to say." He admitted to which Namjoon only replied with, "I'm serious though."

Jin finally looked up from the food he held in his hand, he opened his mouth to tell Namjoon everything he wanted to, but instantly started looking around instead.

Just as Jin had feared, it started pouring down rain on the boy's, the people around them taking out their umbrellas, clearly prepared.

Namjoon fumbled around as he aired out a few curse words, he was in the midst of standing up when he was suddenly pulled back down by Jin. The way the younger boy looked was a little bit indecipherable, but it was clear to Jin that he was upset.

"Ah, Joonie, whats wrong?" He asked as if nothing was wrong, Namjoon lost it, "Jin, look at us, we're sitting in a muddy park, with cheap food, getting soaked the longer we stay here." He exasperated as Jin tried to intervene, "Joonie, stop."

"I just wanted to make this perfect. I screw everything up, as if you didn't already know that from all the stories I told you." He continued, "I'm really fucking sorry, I understand if you never want to go out with me again, I wouldn't either."

"-And I-...." He choked on his words when Jin pulled him by his dress shirt, bringing them face to face with barely any space left between them, "Jin, I-..." This time his words were cut off when Jin decided to press his full lips against Namjoon's.

Suddenly, it was like all the rain and all the small unfortunate encounters had fled their minds as they were now just lost in the moment.

In Namjoon's mind, this was just the thing he needed after having many series of unfortunate events, all of the weight on his shoulders lifted as the older boy held him close, their lips still coming together in perfect harmony.

In Jin's mind, though this was one of the craziest dates he had been on, it was the most memorable, he really couldn't be any happier to do this with anybody else.

Overall, he knew that Namjoon was perfect, of course he had a few flaws here and there, but it was nothing compared to how beautiful Namjoon's personality was and that's what truly made Jin fall for him.

In their eyes, they were truly perfect to each other. The date?

A success.

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