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Taehyung didn't know that he actually cared about Jungkook well up until he lost him. Up until this moment, Jungkook was just someone who listened and someone he just talked to, it wasn't until now, that he wanted nothing more than to talk to him again and apologize to him for something he didn't even do in the first place.

Within the two weeks they've talked, it seemed that he had developed an actual friendship with Jungkook, and that realization didn't hit him immediately.

He just wanted to make everything okay, he just wanted to know if Jungkook was okay, and since Jungkook clearly wasn't going to answer him, his next option had to be someone who knew what they were talking about.

Kim Seokjin.

Direct Message

what do you want
from me this time?
9:17 PM

jin, i think i've fucked
things up with jimin.
9:20 PM✓

what did you do this time?
9:20 PM

it's kinda a long story.
9:20 PM✓

well, i have time.
9:20 PM

tell away
9:21 PM

so this is how it started.
9:21 PM✓


so you're telling me...
10:02 PM

jimin got you
to DM jungkook
10:02 PM

jungkook noticed you.
10:02 PM

you got jungkook to
follow jimin, along
with j-hope and agust d.
10:03 PM

from what i've heard,
jungkook has been trying
really hard for you to like him.
10:03 PM

changing his name on twitter
to jeonglecock, a collab with
your favorite rap group, getting
RM from cypher to follow you.
10:03 PM

but somehow the news about
him and cypher doing a collab
got out, and he thinks it's you.
10:04 PM

but it wasn't you, so you blamed
your best friend since childhood.
10:04 PM

you didn't ONLY fuck
things up with jimin, you
also royally fucked things
up with Jungkook as well.
10:04 PM

you're an idiot.
10:04 PM

i know, i'm a huge idiot.
10:04 PM✓

an idiot sandwich if you will.
10:04 PM✓

do you actually
think it was jimin?
10:05 PM

no, i just needed
it to be someone else.
10:05 PM✓

other than me.
10:05 PM✓

alright, pay attention
10:05 PM

this is what
you're going to do.
10:05 PM

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