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Taehyung couldn't help but dance around to the sound of the new, yet to be released song. It was the epitome of great, more than great, perfect. He already knew this would be one of his favorite songs, not only because of cypher, but how Jungkook's voice mixed perfectly with theirs.

Jungkook turned himself to face his monitor to press the space key on his keyboard, stopping it from playing the new song that came after it. "So, I'm guessing that you like it?" He chuckled watching a breathless Taehyung lay down on the comfy sofa that the younger himself had spent too many nights on.

"I want it on repeat." He told breathlessly, his chest heaving up and down as he makes an effort to catch his breath. Jungkook watched him happily, now fully aware that he was smiling, his heart doing that thing again.

When he clutched his chest, Taehyung sat up and worriedly observed the younger boy, "Kookie whats wrong? Is it that thing again?" He asked in a quiet tone, almost holding his breath when Jungkook shook his head yes.

"C'mere." Taehyung patted the open space beside him and the younger was quick to follow his orders. "Now," Taehyung spoke again, Jungkook raising his head to meet Taehyung's deep brown eyes, "Can you trust me?"

Jungkook didn't even have to think twice before blurting out his answer, "Of course I trust you." Which left Taehyung a blushing mess, he quickly snapped himself out of it when Jungkook coughed when the silence became a little bit awkward.

"R-right." Taehyung cleared his own throat before taking Jungkook's hands in his, "What do you feel now?" He asked in the smallest voice making the younger gulp, "I f-feel the same."

Taehyung nodded, taking it a small step further, now entangling his fingers with Jungkook's, "What about now?" He asked again, as if on cue, the youngers heart picked up a beat, "It's faster." He admitted to which Taehyung smirked coyly at.

He wasn't thinking straight when he decided to pull Jungkook onto his lap, the younger boy's leg on each side of Taehyung. It was obvious to the older boy that Jungkook was flustered, based off the very noticeable light pink blush that was slowly making an appearance on his perfect face.

"Now?" He decided to ask anyways, the flustered boy on his lap not even being able to look into Taehyung's eyes, he looked to the side closing his own eyes as a result, "I-it's beating faster."

The older boy bit his bottom lip as he moved himself to place a soft kiss on Jungkook's pink cheek. The boy's eyes opened up the second he realized what happened, bringing his hand up to his face where he was just kissed, his mouth slightly hanging open in shock.

Taehyung couldn't help but tug his own lips into a smile watching Jungkook's cute expression, "What about n-..." The boy was slick, he didn't know what took over him, but he just wanted the older boy's lips against his own. So that's exactly what he did.

Taehyung was shocked by the sudden unexpected kiss, but he didn't mind, it was evident when he kissed him back, casually slipping his tongue into Jungkook's mouth, which makes the youngers heart for the first time beat uncontrollably.

The thought of wanting the unexplainable feeling in his chest was suddenly off his mind. After realizing what it truly meant, he knew that he never wanted this feeling to go away.

As the pair continued to explore each other more, Taehyung laid Jungkook down on his back, not once disconnecting their lips from each other's, until Taehyung moved his kisses down to the latter's neck where he left a few kisses, Jungkook letting out a whiny but almost unnoticeable moan. Things were starting to get too heated for Taehyung's liking.

As if he was saved by the bell, a notification went off in his back pocket, he moved himself into an upright position, Jungkook also sitting back up.

He pulled his phone out while the younger boy caught a glimpse of what it said as Taehyung read the notification.

YouTube — 1:37 PM
eatjin is going live! (feat. RM of cypher)

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