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"Okay, so Jin isn't responding. I think I'm actually going to head back home now." Taehyung told, putting emphasis on his words as he made sure he had everything this time, even his phone that he had casually forgotten the first time around.

Jimin took a sip of his tea as he looked through his own messages, it was dryer than the Sahara Desert to say the least. Taehyung walked over behind the boys shoulder to examine what exactly he was doing. The younger boy went unnoticed for a few minutes seeing as Jimin was caught up in whatever he was looking at.

"Woah! That's hot." Taehyung suddenly spoke out leaning closer to the phone to get a good view of what was being displayed, Jimin screamed out in shock, spilling a little bit of the tea on himself, "Taehyung, fuck, I thought you left already."

The younger boy laughed while helping Jimin clean up the slight mess he made, "Nope. You thought wrong." Taehyung continued laughing as Jimin blushed a little in the process, "Didn't know that's the type of stuff you talk to Hoseok and Yoongi about."

Jimin nearly choked on air, this was why he couldn't tell Taehyung about what he talked about with them, it was embarrassing. He knew how Taehyung would act with this information, he was not wrong.

"They're pretty kinky. Are you ever going to do that stuff with them?" Taehyung snorted as he watched Jimin's face become a darker shade of red, "Wait, no. Are you going to let them do that stuff to you?" He asked out of amusement only to be shut down by the embarrassed boy.

Jimin grabbed Taehyung's jacket and opened the door. As the younger boy gets the hint, he walks towards it getting ready to leave before he turns to Jimin and offers him a smile, "Have fun, with... that." He spoke nonchalantly, only to have his jacket thrown at him and have the door slammed in his face.

"Kinky freak." Taehyung snickered to himself as he walked to the bus stop.


Taehyung made it back to his house around one-thirty in the morning, he was fully expecting to see Jin sleeping or something, but instead he was met with wide awake hyung sitting in the dark as he watched a movie.

"Hey hyung, I'm home." He told from the door, making himself known. Jin looked at him for a second and smiled, "Hey Taehyung, I stole your ice cream, sorry." Jin lifted the pint of green tea ice cream to show him as Taehyung nodded understandingly. "It's fine."

The boy trudged over quietly, taking a seat beside Jin, immediately sinking into the comfort of his sofa. He let out a small groan as he situated himself. They sat there for a few minutes, their full attention on the movie.

. . . .

"Hey Jin hyung," the silence was finally broken and the elder look to his side as he hummed, "Did you get my message?" He asked and Jin nodded making Taehyung click his tongue on the roof of his mouth as he looked at the older.

"What are you going to do?" He asked again, his tone laced with concern. Jin's eyes seemed to sparkle as he loosely formed his lips to become a smile again, "I don't know yet." He admitted "But, I kinda hope it never happens again. I really like him."

Taehyung grabbed the empty ice cream carton as he stood up, "I doubt it." He spoke walking into the kitchen to throw it away before the sugary excess gets everywhere, "He's a good guy. I was wrong."

Jin took in his words in and silently agreed with him, "We should sleep. Don't you have a big day tomorrow, Taehyung?"

It almost slipped through the brunettes mind again, he face palmed as he gave Jin a thankful look before rushing into his own room.

Before closing the door Taehyung yelled out a goodnight, as he now had to plan out what he wanted to wear on the big day. On the other side of his apartment was Jin, who softly whispered a goodnight before his eyes fluttered shut and falling asleep on the sofa rather quickly.

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