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good morning beautiful people! i'm about to have a great day today, hope you have one too!

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jungkook fanbase 💓 @/kookielover
replying to @/jungkookie

jungkook fanbase 💓 @/kookieloverreplying to @/jungkookie

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💬 17     ↱ ↲ 22   ♡ 390

jungkookie stan @/jungshookstan
replying to @/jungkookie

💬 6 ↱ ↲ 13 ♡ 259

Direct Message

hey taehyung!
9:06 AM✓

you ready for today?
9:06 AM✓

i'm still nervous.
9:07 AM

i don't know what to expect.
9:07 AM

you'll be just fine!
9:07 AM✓

i'm also nervous
about other things :'((
9:07 AM

like what?
9:08 AM✓

meeting you for the first time |
meeting you fo|

not getting the job|
not gett|

what if i'm not what
you're expecting me to be? |

what if i'm not what
you're expecting me to be?

. . . .

Jungkook was surprised by the message he had just received, "What if I'm not what you're expecting me to be?" He read in a whisper about 10 times. First he felt happy, maybe this meant that Taehyung wanted to impress him. It was his second thought that threw him on a loop.

Was Taehyung actually worried about what he thinks about him? That made him feel kind of hurt, did he let off an aura like that? One that made Taehyung uncomfortable to be himself around Jungkook?

He didn't know how to respond.

On the other side of the city, in a smaller apartment was a panicked Taehyung. The second he realized the had actually sent that cringy message he needed to know how to undo it and fast.

"Alexa, help! How do I un-exist?!" He tugged at his hair when looking down at his phone again to read the ridiculously blunt message that was left on seen. "Shit!" He rolled around back and forth on his bed in embarrassment, even failing to hear the knock on his bedroom door.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" A worried Jin asked from the doorway, the younger boy stopped rolling around only to be splayed across his bed, resembling a starfish of some kind. "I'm meeting him after I sent something like that?" he mumbled out, Jin curiously walked over to grab Taehyung's phone out of his hand.

It was when the younger boy heard Jin's laugh when he wanted to run and hide, if Jin laughed, then it was probably not retractable.

"He's probably going to think that it's cute. Maybe he's not responding because he had a heart attack from the cuteness?"

As if on cue, his phone buzzed. Taehyung immediately sat up and snatched his phone out of his hyungs hands to see the dreaded reaction to his message, but he instantly sighed a breath of relief.

Direct Message

since when did you care
about what i think about you?
9:10 AM

based off of what i know,
i think you're great.
9:10 AM

and hot.
9:10 AM

9:10 AM

thank you 😳
9:10 AM✓

of course :')
9:10 AM

i'll see you in an hour?
9:10 AM✓

9:11 AM✓

great, i'll see you soon, kookie💞
9:12 AM✓

Jungkook's heart did that thing again. He was worried, what was happening and why was it happening?

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