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Taehyung was literally bored out of his mind, sure, he nearly lost his life just earlier this morning, but that didn't mean a thing if he was that bored.

After the little stunt he pulled, Jin decided that it would be best to keep Taehyung in his own room where he has no access to either alcohol or contact to the outside, besides his phone at the most.

Fortunately, his drunk tweets from the early morning seemed to pass off as a joke more than anything, so people were not too suspicious of any of his late night and early morning antics.

As an over exaggerated sigh leaves Taehyung's mouth, he laid on his bed with his hyungs sitting on either side, making sure that they keep an eye on him at all costs.

They were stuck watching more ghibli movies and the boys were particularly more clingy than usual, it made Taehyung feel kind of claustrophobic, but overall really grateful for them. In all honesty, he wouldn't know where he would've been without them by his side.

Taehyung looked up at Jin, watching the oldest boy give his utmost attention to the movie and the huge bowl of popcorn he was determined to complete himself. The boy smiled at him with a whole bunch more of new found respect for his hyung.

Jin who suddenly felt as though he was being watched, looked down only to be met with Taehyung's happy, but glossy big brown eyes, and a cheesy smile. The older raised an eyebrow quirkily causing the boy to burst out in quiet fit of giggles.

Without much thinking, Taehyung wrapped a single arm around his sitting hyung's waist and let out a content sigh, "Thank you, Jin hyung." Soon after, Jin placed his bowl of the snack down beside him on the bed side table to ruffle up Taehyung's silver hair.

"Don't ever scare us like that again." He scolded gently, running his hand through the boy's (unbeliebubbly) soft hair, Taehyung nodded gently into Jin's side, keeping his arms the way they had been.

Jimin frowned sleepily seeing the other two cuddled up, so he laid down too, only so he could spoon Taehyung from behind. Jin huffed out a small laugh seeing the two boys starting to stir into sleep, he diligently stretched his arm out to pat Jimin's back.

It was understandable that they were all tired, they had pretty much been up for 24 hours so, as Jin was the only one still half awake, he turned off the tv and joined the two younger boys in slumber, not forgetting to give a small peck on Taehyung's forehead.

Jin finally closed his eyes and Taehyung's eyes starts to subconsciously tear up, managing to spill out of his eyes, and squeezed his hyung just a little bit tighter.


At around 7 at night was when the three still asleep boys heard the doorbell go off, at first they chose to ignore it, but when it happened again, Taehyung groaned. A massive headache was invading his head and thoughts.

He shimmied his way out of the bed and out of Jimin's hold, tiptoeing out of his room, and finally walking over to the door normally the second he got far enough. As the still somewhat sleeping boy opened the door, his sleepiness was overridden almost suddenly with happiness.

"Kookie-ah!" He smiles gleefully, gesturing for the boy who saved his life to come into his humble abode. Jungkook took one step into his house, but not before pinching one of Taehyung's cheek. "Tae, I'm really glad you're fine!" He smiled back removing his hand from his cheek as he moved down to hug Taehyung instead.

They stood by the wide open door, caught in each other's embrace until they heard a voice coming from behind them, "Why wouldn't he be fine?" It was a fairly rugged voice Taehyung knew too well, of course it belonged to none other than jung jaewon.

i really wanted there to be less chapters than my story snapchat, but i guess shit happens, and weird plots occur.

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