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Direct Message

thanks again
for following him.
5:56 PM✓

he's honestly such a
huge fan of you guys.
5:56 PM✓

it's no problem
6:01 PM

who is he anyways?
6:02 PM

just a new friend.
6:05 PM✓

at least i think he is.
6:05 PM✓

well, anything for a fan.
6:05 PM

i think he'll be really happy.
6:06 PM✓

thanks, namjoon.
6:06 PM✓

we're still on for
that collab right?
6:06 PM

it was part of
the deal wasn't it?
6:06 PM✓

you follow
taehyung, we collab?
6:07 PM✓

i still can't believe it.
6:07 PM

you never collab with anyone,
the boys and i are really looking
forward to it, jungkook.
6:07 PM

tell me the days you want to
meet up and we'll make it happen.
6:07 PM✓

why all of a sudden though?
6:08 PM

6:08 PM✓

why do this for
someone you don't know?
6:09 PM

i just need him to like me.
6:09 PM✓

oh, don't do this for the
wrong reasons, jungkook.
6:09 PM

not all people are going
to love you and you can't
make all of them love you.
6:10 PM

you have to accept
that, otherwise, you'll
never be happy with what
you've already got.
6:10 PM

do you want the collab or not?
6:10 PM✓

okay okay.
6:10 PM

i'll stop, but please remember
what i said. it'll probably help.
6:10 PM

i'll message you soon about
the dates. thanks again for this.

Jungkook sighed as he took Namjoon's words into consideration, was this a really not how he should be dealing with this? What exactly should he have done? All he wanted was someone he could be himself with, he just wanted someone he could call a friend.

He could have easily left Taehyung alone, but something about how he talked to him made him feel normal. What he sends feels unfiltered and truthful whereas anybody else just purely wants his attention, nothing else. So sorry if he wanted his one chance at feeling like he wasn't alone.

Alone in a world filled with fake people, giving him fake love.

The boy sunk deeper into the comfort of his sofa, the side of his head leaning against the palm of his hand. Sleep was exactly what he needed, something to clear his mind. He started drifting further and further off into sleep until his phone went off again.

Looking down, he couldn't help but smile when noticing he had a new message.

Twitter - Direct Message
@/k.taehyung - 5 minutes ago

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