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A month passed already.

It was safe to say that both of them had a hard time not talking to each other, even just to say hi when they crossed paths every now and then.

All they were able to do was look down and pretend they had never met each other before, just carrying on as if they weren't interested in each other.

Jungkook being who he is, would very rarely give a secret finger heart to the older boy if he was looking at the right place at the right time.

Unfortunately before they even knew it, this whole not talking to each other thing was slowly starting to take a toll on them. It happened this week, the start of the second month.

Taehyung was called down to his bosses office, he was about to knock, but that was until he heard a voice coming from the inside.

He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but the voice coming from the room was one he could identify as Jungkook's. He was going to walk away until they were done with their meeting, but when he heard him say 'Dad', his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Dad?" Taehyung murmured to himself laughing at what he thought to be a joke, "No way!" The boy laughs nervously, pushing away all possibility of the mean old man being Jungkook's own blood.

It wasn't until he heard the man say, "Jungkook, please. Do this for your dad, hm?" When Taehyung choked on absolutely nothing.

It all made sense now.

Like who had forced him into this life, who took his childhood from him, who forced him to make money, who controlled his life. It was that man in that room. Someone he called his dad.

Taehyung softened coming to this epiphany, it was because of that man Jungkook had such a hard time with love.

"But Dad, you can't force me to love someone else." He retaliated, anger laced in his voice.

Love someone else?

Taehyung could only think, 'Not again.' as his memories took him back to about this time last year when Jungkook started dating Ji-Eun. If the boy was going to start dating someone else again, he honestly didn't know he'd deal with it this time around.

He barely made it through the first time.

"Jungkook, I need you to do this please, I promise you'll love her again if you give it time." His Dad spoke cooly, completely ignoring his sons pleas for him to stop. "Dad, what don't you understand? I'm in love with someone else and the whole world knows we were lying!"

"Taehyung isn't even that much, why are you making this such a big deal out of this?" The man coos, "This girl will make everything perfect for you, Jungkook." The man tries his best to reason with Jungkook the best he could, but little did he know his heart was actually in a different place.

"Look Dad, I'm sorry, but I really love him. I love Taehyung and I'm not going to stop loving him." As he finished talking the door opened up.

Jungkook faces the door, to his surprise Taehyung is already running in and attacking the boy with a huge hug, "Did you mean it?" The older boy asks, bringing Jungkook closer to his own chest. Jungkook's father watches the pair with a vein nearly popping out of his forehead.

Jungkook hugs him back, not even questioning how the boy knew what he said, because all that mattered was the fact that his heart never failed to do the thing whenever he even got to be in Taehyung's arms.

"Of course I meant it. I like you, like like you." He says, Taehyung' suddenly trying to push Jungkook away from himself, but Jungkook just giggles and holds on tighter, "By that I mean... I love you." He said it awkwardly not knowing what to expect, that was officially his first time ever confessing his love for anyone.

The feeling of this was so foreign.

He's watched a few k-dramas here and there, but this was real life, a real experience, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now, or was it Taehyung's turn to do something? His heart was just beating really fast, this time it didn't feel too good. The silence was really getting to him, he supposed.

"That's funny," Taehyung finally spoke, not giving Jungkook's dad who was shaking his head, basically begging for Taehyung not to say what was coming, "-because I love you too." He finished and to say that Jungkook's heart was only doing the thing was an understatement.

The feeling in his chest felt like someone who had just finished running full speed at a marathon or something like fireworks going off in there. Taehyung leaned down slightly to kiss Jungkook on the cheek. When he pulled back, he saw the cute blush on Jungkook's cheeks and brushed the boys bangs out of his eyes.

They were about to kiss when they heard a cough from beside them, the boys immediately separating from each other. Taehyung stood awkwardly facing Jungkook's father, "That's it, you can leave. I want you out of the country by the end of the week." He narrow-mindedly told.

"W-wait what? I only have like 10 months left on our contract, you can't do that!" Taehyung yelled back at the mad old man, who raised a brow at the model, "But you're extending it, so it's not a problem." The angry man plopped back down into his seat, a small grunt escaping his mouth.

"We're not extending it."


who wants to tell the people who are watching epiphany upside down that the like button is on the other side? they're accidentally pressing the dislike button, it's so sad :'(

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